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全球气候变暖和水资源的短缺成为农林业可持续发展的瓶颈,各国对农林业节水抗旱技术的需求日益增强,保水剂作为一种化学节水抗旱技术被广泛的应用于农林业生产活动中。近年来,保水剂与肥料耦合及与其他外源物质的复合应用技术成为研究的热点,但是适宜复合条件要求的农林用保水剂基本性能的基础研究还不够深入,还没有建立针对不同复合应用目的的保水剂评价指标体系的标准和评价方法,对如何建立评价指标体系、遴选适宜与不同外源物质复合应用的保水剂类型及应用效果的研究比较匮乏。本研究选取了国内外6类共24种农林用保水剂(Super absorbent polymer,SAP),通过对SAP基本性能的定量研究,以保水剂基本性能指标为遴选准则,应用层次分析法对保水剂遴选指标体系进行了探索,针对不同复合应用要求遴选适宜保水剂品种并通过室内外试验研究进行验证,取得了如下结论和成果:
Global warming and the shortage of water resources has become the bottleneck for the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry. So the demands of water-saving technology of agroforestry, super absorbent polymers (SAPs) as a kind of chemical water-saving technology is widely used in agricultural and forestry production activities. In recent years, the research of SAPs and other foreign materials composite application technology has become a hotpot, but the basic properties of basic research is not deep enough. And there is not unified standard and scientific evaluation mechod of evaluation index focusing different application purposes. How to establish the evaluation index system and the research and its application effects of using it to choose reasonable types of SAPs to complex application with exogenous substances were lacking. This research investigated fundamental properties of selected domestic and international 24 kinds of SAPs and exporing SAPs selection index system by using analytical hierarchy process. Focusing different kinds of composite conditions and selecting suitable varieties SAPs to study the validatly performces by indoor and outdoor experiments. The paper obtained the following conculsions and results:
     1)Various types of agricultural and forestry SAPs have different basic performance. Water absorbency have been affected the ion concentration of solution and value of pH. As the higher of solution cation concentration and valence, the inhibition is heavier. Whatever the pH value becomes bigger or smaller, the overall water absorbency is decline. The trend of absorbent rate is that ion types of SAPs are faster that non ionic types and smaller particle size greater than bigger particle. Types of SAPs and soil physicochemical properties have affected on soil water retaining capacity.
     2) In the process of basic performance research of water-retaining agent, the new method was invented. The new method of fast determination of water absorption rate which based on near infrared spectroscopy combined with parital least squares method to establish the water absorbency of water retaining agent prediction model. The accurate rate of predicting water absorbency of SAPs is more than 99.55%.
     3) The evaluation index system of SAPs is preliminary expolored. Extraction the main influence factors of performance of SAPs composite application by quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods of the properties of SAPs, using AHP structure model to evaluate comprehensive weight evaluation of various types of SAPs,suitable typical wate retaining agent of adapt to different application conditions were selected. The research had shown that polyacrylamide type of water retaining agent were suitable composite with fertilizer nutrients, and polyacrylamide acrylic acid potassium types of SAPs suitable for drought resistance matrix or composite application of mycorrhizae.
     4) The result of polyacrylamide hydrogels with nitrogen phosphorus and potassium nutrient composite experimental has shown that compound-SAP that with polyacrylamide SAPs as carrier can effectively promote the plant seed germination rate, plant height, biomass and other indicators, and greatly improve the plant absorption of N, P which have obvious effect.
     5) Polypropylene acyl amide as carrier, using physical wholeness method self-made rich in N, P, K composite water-retaining agent, has a very high water retention, fertilizer conservation function. Indoor experiments and field tests show that, YF3Si composite water-retaining agent application effect is best.
     6) Polyacrylamide acrylic acid potassium type of water retaining agent for drought resistance matrix which invent a new organic ecological soilless cultivation matrix. Indoor study shows, the ecological soilless cultivation matrix can effectively improve the plant growth index. Through the contrast research discovery, type of C3 ecological soilless cultivation matrix is reasonable the ratio, adapt to the promotion and application.
     7) Acrylamide acrylic acid potassium type of water retaining agent and mycorrhizal composite application experiment has shown that chemical water-saving technology and biological technology can be effectively combined with drought resistance, and can effectively promote the plant growth and physiological indicators of improvement. At the same time, by the method of orthogonal experiment, research and application of mycorrhizal composite water retaining agent in different water stress application ratio formula, the results show that:when the water stress for saturated soil water content is 30~35%, water retaining agent X1g, Y1g mycorrhizal dosage, application of Gi.m mycorrhizal fungi, can significantly improve the plant growth and physiological index.
     In conclusion, the water-retaining agent performance as the basis, the application of AHP to establish the evaluation system of water retaining agent selection for different environmental requirements and scope of the typical water retaining agent to do beneficial exploration, its advantages and selected typical aquasorb in and other exogenous substances compound in the application process, and achieved very good results.
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