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     (1)1994-2006期间,上海土地利用变化显著。在各类用地中,农田面积变化最大,从1994-2006年近12年间,农田面积共减少了94007.72 hm~2,年平均减少面积为7833.98 hm~2,而城市绿地的变化幅度最大,12年间的平均动态度为18.76%。工业用地和城镇建设用地是农田流出的主要的转移方向,占农田面积总流出量的54.47%。因此工业和城镇建设用地的快速扩张而占用大量农田,成为本区土地利用变化的主要特征,同时城市绿地的大幅增加也成为上海土地利用变化的一个重要特征。从区域土地利用变化来看,各区的综合土地利用动态度具有明显的差异,表现出由市区-近郊-远郊递减的趋势,其中浦东新区的综合土地利用动态度最大,而崇明最低。土地利用变化程度的差异与各区的区位条件、经济发展状况以及政策等因素密切相关。
     (2)上海不同土地利用方式下的土壤碳氮含量和土壤碳密度差异明显,水稻田固碳能力最高,其SOC密度为3.859 kg/m~2,滩涂固碳能力最低,其SOC密度为1.379 kg/m~2,其他几种土地利用方式的SOC密度的大小依次为旱地(3.173kg/m~2)>林地(3.147 kg/m~2)>撂荒地(2.727 kg/m~2)>城市草坪(2.647 kg/m~2)>园地(2.130 kg/m~2)。
     (3)通过对3种土地利用变化对土壤碳库的影响研究表明:水田转化为旱地,土壤碳氮含量以及碳密度明显降低;农田撂荒后,除表层0-5 cm内的土壤碳氮含量和碳密度增加外,在0-35 cm的深度范围内,撂荒地的碳氮含量以及碳密度总体低于农田,表明在水热条件良好的长三角平原地区,农田撂荒对提高土壤碳氮含量以及碳密度效果不佳;水田转变为林地后,在4-5年内,会引起表层土壤碳氮的损失,从而表明,从较短的时期来看,相对于人工林地,水田具有更好的固碳效果。
     (4)利用实测的各种土地利用类型的土壤碳密度,结合土地利用变化的研究结果,估算了1994年、2000年、2003年、2006年4个时期的上海0-20cm的表层的SOC储量,结果表明:4个时期的0-20 cm的表层土壤的SOC储量分别为1490.47万t、1399.12万t、1283.56万t、1185.80万t,呈逐年递减的趋势;平均SOC密度分别为35.41t/hm~2、35.44 t/hm~2、35.06 t/hm~2、35.15 t/hm~2,呈波动变化;从SOC储量的空间分布来看,表现出明显的由市区-近郊-远郊递增的规律,这与上海土地利用的空间分布格局以及人类活动干扰的程度的区域差异密切相关。其中崇明的SOC储量最高,为305.28万t(2006),市区最低,仅有5.31万t。从各区SOC储量的年际变化趋势来看,各区SOC储量均趋于减少,其中松江区的SOC的损失量最大,为50.90万t,其次是青浦,为40.97万t,市区SOC储量损失量最少,仅为4.94万t。从各类土地利用的SOC储量的变化来看,12年间,农田SOC储量共减少了336.92万t,城市绿地、林地和园地SOC储量分别增加了26.91万t、4.19万t、4.22万t。总体来看,在此期间,由于土地利用变化使得上海SOC储量的损失量达到306.99万t,相当于2000年的化石燃料燃烧所产生的碳排放总量(3981万t)的7.71%。由此可见,人类活动所导致的土地利用变化正在成为影响上海土壤碳库的重要原因。
As an important component of terrestrial ecosystem carbon pool,soils play ansignificant role in regulating the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO_2) and mitigatingglobal warming.Land use and cover change (LUCC) caused by human activitiesbecomes one of the key factors affecting the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool.With thedevelopment of urbanization and increasing urbanized area,soils adjacent to citiesexperience rapid change.Therefore an assessment of SOC pool in urban area,theirspatial distribution and temporal variation associated with LUCC,can providescientific basis for government to make effective measures to reduce carbon emissionand increase carbon sink.In addition,it can contribute to the research of global SOCcycling research and the prediction of global change in the future.
     On the basis of combined methods involving geographical information system(GIS),remote sensing (RS) and soil carbon analyses,this paper discusses the land usechange of Shanghai during the years 1994-2006,and the associated with soil carbonpool dynamics.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     During the years 1994-2006,land use change is significant in Shanghai.Amongall types of land use,farmland has the greatest change in area,which has decreased94007.72 hm~2 in total area,at a rate of 7833.98 hm~2 per year.Urban greenland showsthe largest increase in area with dynamic degree of 18.76% in 12 years.Most of thedecreased farmland (54.47%) has been converted to urban construction land(including industrial,traffic and residential use).There is notable spatial differencein comprehensive dynamic degree of land use,which shows declining trend with thedistance from central urban district.The comprehensive dynamic degree of land usechange for Pudong New District is the largest,while that of Chongming County is thesmallest.The difference of LUCC is closely related to the location,economiccondition and policies of each district.
     Distinct difference exists in SOC density of different land use in Shanghai.SOC density of paddy field (3.859 kg/m~2) is the highest,which indicates that paddyfield has the largest carbon sequestration capacity.SOC density of tidal flat (1.379 kg/m~2)is the smallest,suggesting limited carbon sequestration capacity.SOC densityof the other land use types is 3.173 kg/m~2 (upland),3.147 kg/m~2 (forestland),2.727kg/m~2 (abandoned land),2.647 kg/m~2 (urban lawn) and 2.130 kg/m~2 (garden land),respectively.
     Three types of land use change are studied to assess its impact on soil carbonpool.The conversion of paddy field to upland has resulted in obvious reduce of SOCcontent,total nitrogen content (TN) and SOC density.When farmland has beenabandoned,SOC,TN content and SOC density only increase in the topsoil of 0-5cmbut decrease in the depth of 0-35cm in total.It suggests that abandonment offarmland has poor effect in improving carbon and nitrogen sequestration capacity inthe Yangtze Delta region.SOC,TN content and SOC density of topsoil decrease whenpaddy field is converted into artificial forestland for 4-5 years.Therefore,comparedwith artificial forestland,paddy field has better soil carbon and nitrogen sequestrationcapacity.
     Based on measured SOC density of different land use type,combined with theresult of LUCC in Shanghai,this paper estimates SOC storage of topsoil in depthrange of 0-20 cm in the year of 1994,2000,2003 and 2006.They are 14.9047 Mt(1994),13.9912 Mt (2000),12.8356 Mt (2003) and 11.8580Mt (2006),respectively,showing declining trend with time.The mean SOC density is 35.41 t/hm~2 (1994),35.44 t/hm~2 (2000),35.06 t/hm~2 (2003) and35.15 t/hm~2 (2006),respectively.TheSOC storage of topsoil increases from central urban and suburb areas to the outskirts,which is related closely to the distribution of land use and regional difference ofdisturbance extent by human activities.Among all the administrative districts,theSOC storage of topsoil of Chongming County (3.0528 Mt,2006) is highest,while thatof the central urban district (0.0531 Mt,2006) is the lowest.All districts showdecreased SOC pool with time,with the loss of Songjiang (0.51 Mt) being the largest,and that of Qingpu (0.41 Mt) the second,and that of the central urban district (49.4 Tt)the least.As for different land use,the SOC storage of topsoil of farmland shows areduction of 3.3692 Mt in total,while those of urban greenland,artificial forestlandand garden land display an increase of 0.2691 Mt,41.9 thousand tons and 42.2thousand tons during the period of 1994 to 2006.Generally speaking,the loss of SOC storage of topsoil caused by LUCC in Shanghai amounts to 3.0699 Mt,correspondingto 7.71% of the amount of emission of carbon from fossil fuel combustion (39.81 Mt)in Shanghai in 2000.Therefore,it is concluded that LUCC caused by human activitiesbecomes thekey factor in changing SOC storage of topsoil in Shanghai.
     A number of measures can be taken to improve the carbon sequestration capacityof soil,including increasing the use of green manure,improving the percentage ofstraw returning,fertilizer application combined with organic manure in farmland,afforestation,urban greenland construction and better management.In addition,tidalflat has great potential for carbon sequestration by proper use.
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