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Masonry structure, which has been used for a long time in China, is one of themost widely used constructure in urban and rural region of china nowadays. However,the poor structural integrity and seismic performance have led to a large number ofbuildings destroyed and collapsed in Wenchuan earthquake. Furthermore, due to thepoor towns economy as well as equipment and technology, the complex seismicmeasures are difficult to be implemented, largely affecting the construction quality.Therefore, to improve the seismic capacity of the masonry structure favoring to the ruralareas, the simple and cost-effective seismic technology is one of the major seismic ways.The objective of this study was to investigate a simple energy dissipation technologyand the main conclusions were described as follows:
     ①Development of a simple energy dissipation technology
     Considering the actual investment, the construction level and management status invillages and towns, we proposed two kinds of simple energy dissipation technologies:asphalt sand cushion energy dissipation and bound rubber beam energy dissipation.
     ②Experimental study on material properties of asphalt sand and bound rubberbeam
     Friction properties of fine sand, sand, fly ash, powder, talcum powder, mix asphaltsand with different ratio and asphalt talcum powder with different ratio were studied. Inaddition, the asphalt-related indicators (penetration, ductility and viscosity) and themechanical property of bundled rubber beam were also tested. The experimental resultshowed that when the content of asphalt was75%, the specimen of the asphaltic sandspresented lower friction and higher vertical bearing capacity.
     ③Experimental study on seismic performance of different types of walls
     Four low cyclic loading tests of walls (with no isolation measures, with slidinglayer having different ratio of asphalt sand, with upper and lower ring beam, and withbound rubber beam or rubber of tire) were studied, which included four types and eightpieces of walls. The failure shape, energy dissipation capacity, wall shear deformationand bending deformation were compared and analyzed among different walls. Theexperimental results indicated that with isolation measures could greatly improve thecapacity of deformation and plastic energy dissipation of walls; with variation ofvertical stress, the asphalt sand at a ratio of75%could exhibit better stable performance and dissipation of the energy transported to the upper structure with small stressreceived; The bundle rubber beam (rubber of tire) walls contributed to the energydissipation, and providing a great second stiffness for the walls.
     ④Shaking table test of asphalt sand sliding wall and masonry structure modelwith bound rubber beam
     The asphalt sand sliding wall, the consolidation wall, the masonry structure, thein-situ cast tie-column masonry structure and the masonry structure with bound rubberbeam were tested at the shaking table of the1/4scale model. Some parameters such asfailure characteristics, dynamic characteristics, acceleration response, displacementresponse, deformation and the prototype structure response of the models werecompared among the asphalt sand sliding wall and masonry structure with bound rubberbeam. The results suggested that using asphalt sand sliding or binding rubber beam todissipate the energy was effective, which could reduce the seismic energy input to theupper structure. Furthermore, the overall structural integrity and collapse resistantcapacity was improved significantly.
     ⑤Numerical simulation of masonry structure using simple energy dissipationtechnology
     The ABAQUS software was used to analyze the pseudo static test of wall. Theanalytical results had a good agreement with the measured values, which showed thereliability of the modeling. With a large number of numerical models to fit theexperimental data and compare the seismic performance between traditional structureand sliding structure based on the dynamic time-history response and damage energydissipation, it demonstrated the feasibility of the slip damping technology.
     ⑥Main suggestions for simple energy dissipation technology
     Based on the experimental results and a large number of modeling and analysis, weprovided some suggestions on design and construction requirement for the simpleenergy dissipation technology, involving the friction coefficient range in differentintensity zone, simplified design method, the structure requirements of bound rubberbeam layout, and so on. These suggestions will give a theoretical guide for the practicalengineering application.
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