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With the emergence and rapid development of modern science and technology, the reciprocal stimulation between Science, technology and economy has come into being, thus accelerating the integration of Science and technology. This integration, on the microcosmic level, is clearly shown in the emergence and rapid development of technical innovation.
    Compared with enterprises, higher education institutions, especially research university and comprehensive university, has relative advantages both in creative resources and creative capacity, thus making them the major forces in our national technical innovation. Due to their innate characteristics and limitations, co-operative innovation will be the major trend for technical innovation by the higher education institutions, and interaction will exist between higher education institutions and other innovative bodies.
    Gaming theory studies the decision-making and relevant balancing when decision-making bodies react against each other. The analyzing approach and thought embedded in it are applicable in the study of the interaction between higher education institutions and other innovative bodies.
    The first problems facing the higher education institutions when they seek cooperation from other innovative bodies is how to find suitable partner, which depends, to a large extent, on understanding the mechanism of finding suitable partner from the root. The innovation cooperation can be analyzed with the consign-agency relation in gaming theory. In the analyze we first suppose that the innovative bodies are complete-rational, but in most cases, they are not. Evolutional gaming theory can well explain such case.
    The technical innovative cooperation can be understood as an integration of resources, which can be explained by setting up a gaming model. This is also applicable to the relationship between the higher education institutions and government. These problems are discussed in the second and third section of Chapter Three.
    These gaming relations and relevant innate mechanism existing between the higher education institutions and other innovative bodies are greatly relevant to the regional innovative system, which in turn greatly influences these relations. As the conclusion, we make some practical analysis of the existing material and problems.
    Though the essay doesn't provide a comprehensive answer to the relative problem, it makes an in-depth study of some core problems in such interaction.
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