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The views about status and role of SMLEs don't agree with each other in China now, but it is commonly believed that SMLEs are minor role in logistics industry who fill the market blank and have much limited development spaces that large logistics enterprises can't reach effectively. After study,a different view is brought up,which thinks that they may very well become the main force of logistics industry and revive and exert great potentials through systematic strategic planning. separate SMLEs win certain growth chances by adopting resources-based strategy, attachment strategy, market niche strategy or individual market strategy;while, those who have favorable condition to gather together in logistcs parks can obtain integrated economic effects and have "big and small" advantages concurrently,even beat big logistics firms. It is thus clearly that the significance for studying SMLEs' business strategy means improving their competencies,elevating their industrial status and helping all logistics enterprises achieve harmonious development.
     SMLEs in Chengdu&Chongqing region are choosed as study object of this dissertation.First, in the theory frame of TPL(third party logistcs) System,we study the complex impact of external environment on SMLEs' management and the complex interrelationship between SMLEs and stakeholder,sum up the general character of environment impact--"trend,differentiation and chaos". Then, we sample five native SMLEs and analyse the actuality of their resources and capabilities,apply dissipative structure theory to evaluate their core competence systems qualitatively,particularly identify their managers' abnomal mental model concretely, conclude that they lack resources with high quality to upgrade their services. Next, we adopt SPACE Matrix to evaluate their total business position,establish the evaluation index system of SMLEs'core competence and evaluate their core competence with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, provide the programmatic plan for implementing business strategy. Finally, in the fifth chapter which is principal part of this dissertaion, we bring forward systematic strategic solutions, including total strategy ,SMLEs alliance and learning organization construction.
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