二、三倍体虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss外周血红细胞及造血器官中PCNA的表达
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     本试验观察并对比了二、三倍体虹鳟Oncorhychus mykiss(Walbaum)外周血红细胞的形态结构的差异;运用免疫细胞化学方法、免疫组织化学方法检测外周血红细胞中是否存在增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达并对其进行了定位研究。运用流式细胞术对外周血红细胞PCNA的表达量进行了定量研究;检测了二三倍体虹鳟外周血中S期红细胞所占比例;对造血器官中PCNA的表达进行了定位研究,确定了造血组织的分布及各器官造血的活跃程度。试验结果表明:
     4.抗PCNA单克隆抗体(PC10)可以与细胞中增殖细胞核抗原特异性结合,通过蛋白质电泳检测出一条由免疫反应产生的35-36 kDa的蛋白质条带。并且可以看出,抗PCNA单克隆抗体(PC10)可以与大鼠脾脏,以及虹鳟肝脏、肾脏和三倍体外周血细胞发生交叉反应,其可用于对虹鳟增殖细胞核抗原的检测。
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen is a kind of protein which only can be found in the nuclei of proliferating cells. It was used as a marker of the proliferation of cells. The located research of the expression of PCNA in peripheral blood and hematogenic organs in rainbow trout could determine the reproductive activity of erythrocytes, and offer basis data for the research of erythrocytes in polyploidy fish.
     In this paper, the morphology and construction of erythrocytes in peripheral blood of di- and triploid rainbow trout Oncorhychus mykiss(Walbaum)was observed and contrasted. The expression of PCNA in erythrocytes was examined by the method of immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. And the proportion of the erythrocytes in S phase was detected at the same time. Positioning study was took place in the hematogenic organ to determine the distribution and active degree of the hemopoietic tissues. The results were as follows:
     1. Contrast with that of diploids, the erythrocytes in triploid rainbow trout was larger and more slender. The volume of the erythrocytes and the nuclei of the erythrocytes in triploid were 1.49 and 1.5 times larger than that of diploids which were corresponded to the expectant theoretical value of 1.5. In peripheral blood of triploid rainbow trout, about 8.5% of erythrocytes nuclei showed abnormal shapes of constriction, dumbbell, and irregular shape. This phenomenon could also be seen in diploids but the proportion was very small which was 0.08%. Immature erythrocytes could also be seen in the peripheral blood of di- and triploid rainbow, and the proportions of which were 8% and 11.9% which had significant difference.
     2. Brown precipitates could be observed by light microscope in the nuclei of PCNA positive cells after staining by the method of immunohistochemisty. The rates of PCNA positive erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of di- and triploid rainbow were 0.2% and 6.4% in erythroid cells (antibody used in the experiment was anti-PCNA monoclonal antibody (PC10)). The shapes of positive erythrocytes corresponded to immature erythrocyte. The proportions of positive erythrocytes in immature erythrocytes of di- and triploids were 2.5% and 57.9%.
     3. Determining by flow cytometry, the rate of the erythrocytes in peripheral blood which were under S phase was 0.69% in diploids and 4.05% in triploids and the proportion of antibody labeling cells was 0.37% in diploids and 8.39 in triploids.
     4. Anti-PCNA monoclonal antibody (PC10) could specifically bind with PCNA in proliferative cells which could be detected by protein electrophoresis which showed a 35-36 kDa protein strap. An immunoreactive polypeptide with an electrophoretic mobility is found in rainbow trout liver, spleen and the peripheral blood cells of triploids. The staining intensity demonstrates that peripheral blood cells of triploids whose cells possess a lower proliferatory capacity.
     5. TUNEL, which is a method of apoptosis detection was used to determine the abnormal erythrocytes in peripheral blood of di- and triploid rainbow trout. The apoptotic erythroid cells were indicated by the brown reaction products. The result showed that apoptosis erythrocytes could be found both in di- and triploid rainbow trout, and these cells were normal apoptosis erythrocytes. Abnormal erythrocytes showed negative to TUNEL probing, so they were not the cells which undergone a procession of apoptosis. Thus the presumption about abnormal erythrocytes of apoptosis could be eliminated.
     6. The head kidney of rainbow trout was enriched in hematopoietic tissue but lack of the structures related with excretory system, and the hematopoietic cells proliferated actively which showed that it was one of the most important hematopoietic organs in rainbow trout. In this study, PCNA positive cells in kidney were also centered to the endothelial cells which may suggest that there were interactions between hematopoietic endothelial and renal tubular cells. In spleen strong immunoreactivity is observed, and PCNA is expressed exclusively in the hematopoietic compartment. The positive cells are hematopoietic progenitor cell. A small quantity of hepatic cells was positive staining which dispersed mainly in hepatic sinusoid and the region of subvelamen.
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