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Objective: Through observing Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction and li zhong pill `s influence on indomethacin gastric ulcer model cold or heat types` relativity, we intend to explore the mechanism of the model, understand cold or heat different prescriptions` mechanism of action and orderliness for gastric ulcer model induced by indomethacin, in order to provide credible experimental evidences for clinical practice evaluation criteria.
     Methods: The gastric ulcer models were copied by Indomethacin injection method, at the same time imposing "cold or hot" factor (ice water +0.3% NaOH, 8% dried chili powder +60% ethanol mixture). Establish the cold or heat syndrome modles of indomethacin ulcer model, and to observe the impact of cold or heat prescription Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction and Lizhong pill. Detect the Related micro-target: The content of model serum ET, PDGF, PAF, MOT was detected by enzyme immunoassay; the content of model serum NO by Nitrate reductase; the content of model gastric tissue TGF-a, EGF by enzyme immunoassay;content; the content of hypothalamus 5-HT and NE by enzyme immunoassay. Besides, The gray value of Bax and Bc1-2 was detected and analyzed in density.
     Results: 1.In the ET side, compared with the control group, the model group were significantly higher, there was significant difference (P <0.01), especially in Hanxiao groups, after the intervention of Lizhong pill, Hanxiaoli compared with Hanxiao group while Danhanli group compared with Danhan group, the content of ET is significantly lower, with statistical significance (P <0.01 or P <0.05); 2, In the NO side, compared with the control group, the model group were significantly lower, with statistically significant (P <0.01 or P <0.05), especially in Rexiao group was decreased significantly, after the intervention of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction, Rexiaoda group compared with Rexiao group while Danreda group compared with Danre group the content of NO decreased, with statistically significant (P <0.01 or P <0.05); 3, In the PAF, PDGF side, comparison with the control group, Moxiao Hanxiao Danhan Rexiao Danre groups can increased significantly (P <0.01 or P <0.05), especially in Rexiao Danre groups, with statistical significance(P <0.05); after the intervention of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction, Rexiaoda group compared with Rexiao group while Danreda group compared with Danre group, PAF decreased and PDGF were significantly higher, with statistically significant (P <0.01 or P <0.05); after the intervention of Lizhong pill, Hanxiaoli group compared with Hanxiao group while Danhanli group compared with Danhan group, PDGF were significantly higher, with statistically significant (P <0.01 or P <0.05).4. Considering EGF, TGF-a, Moxiao group, Rexiao group, Hanxiao group, Danre group and Danhan group decreased in different degree compared with the Kongbai group with the statistical significance (P <0.01). And the content of EGF of Rexiao group and Hanxiao group decreased significantly with the statistical significance (P <0.01, or P <0.05). After the intervention of Lizhong pill, the content of EGF and TGF-a of Hanxiaoli group and Danhanli group increased significantly compared with Hanxiao group and Danhan group with the statistical significance (P <0.01). After the intervention of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction, the content of EGF and TGF-a of Rexiaoda group and Danreda group increased significantly compared with Rexiao group and Danre group with the statistical significance (P <0.01, or P <0.05). 5. The Moxiao group, Hanxiao group, Rexiao group and Danre group increased significantly in MOT compared to Kongbai group, especially the Rexiao group with the statistical significance (P <0.01). After the intervention of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction, the content of MOT of Rexiaoda group and Danreda group decreased significantly compared to Rexiao group and Danre group with the statistical significance. 6. The Hanxiao group and Danhan group increased significantly in 5-HT compared to Kongbai group with the statistical significance (P <0.01). After the intervention of Lizhong pill, the content of Danxiao group and Danhan group decreased significantly compared to Hanxiao group and Danhan group with the statistical significance(P <0.01, or P <0.05). 7. In the aspect of NE content, all groups increased differently compared to Kongbai group except Danhan group, especially the Rexiao group with the statistical significance(P <0.01, or P <0.05). After the intervention of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction, the content of MOT of Rexiaoda group and Danreda group decreased significantly compared to Rexiao group and Danre group with the statistical significance(P <0.01, or P <0.05). 8. In the Bc1-2 and Bax content, compared to Kongbai group, the model group decreased on Bax expression, Danhan group and Danre group of Bcl-2 expression increased significantly (P <0.01 or P <0.05). The expression of Hanxiao group, Rexiao group, Hanxiaoli group and Rexiaoda group increased especially the Hanxiaoli group and Rexiaoda group; the Danhan group, Danhanli group, Danreda group and Danre group decreased especially the Danhanli group and Danreda group with the statistical significance.
     1. This subject uses Indomethacin injection with the cold (ice water + NaOH) or heat (chilli + ethanol) factors established the cold or heat syndrome gastric ulcer disease model successfully. Cold or heat factors can increase the formation and injury of gastric ulcer model.
     2, ET、5-HT can be a microcosmic indicator of cold syndrome gastric ulcer . NO, MOT, PAF, PDGF, NE, TGF-a, EGF can be used as microcosmic indicators of heat syndrome gastric ulcer.
     3.Lizhong Pill is selective to the cold syndrome model, through making down the content of ET ,5-HT, PDGF, and making up the content of EGF, TGF-a, The mechanism of Lichong Pill to treat cold syndrome peptic ulcer disease may be improving the antioxidant capacity and regulation of inflammatory cytokine release, reflecting the law of Recipe corresponding to syndrome.
     4. Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction is selective to corresponding models, and is able to Regulate gastrointestinal hormones, inhibit inflammation and regulate inflammatory cytokine release by raising the content of EGF, TGF-a and reducing the content of NO, MOT, NE, PAF. This may be mechanism of Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction on heat of ulcer disease, reflecting treatment of the corresponding square law of evidence.
     5. Dahuang huanglian xiexin decoction and the Lizhong Pill can inhibit the expression of Gastric ulcer model cell death by raising Bc1-2 and reducing Bax. This may be one of Gastric mucosal repair mechanisms for damage.
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