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"Literariness" is a concept that needs to clean up urgently. Its logic origin and the text where it first appeared and was defined need to be clarified. Its understanding in different research models has not formed the systematic knowledge. Its multiple sources have made it a native concept with western appearance in the context of Chinese. This concept has already spread for centuries and can be applied to almost any field of human activities and is endowed with various connotations. But, by far,"literariness" is still an indefinite concept. Different professional and common fields have rated it highly, but it seems that all of them do not concern whether it is a concept or proverb.
     Variety of reasons is responsible for such an embarrassing position of "literariness". The first, it is widely accepted by the public that "literariness" first appeared in Jakobson's "Newest Russian Poetry", but only the sentence translated from English or French is focused on, not the original Russian text. At the same time, the one who first interpreted "literariness" and converted it into a concept as well as his book, Erlich and his "Russian Formalism", have rarely been concerned. Actually, the most common source is from Eichenbaum who quoted Jakobson, but it is also the quotation from the secondary sources without the specific context. The second,"literariness" and "estrangement" are considered as the core conception of Russian Formalism, but no enough original documents prove that it has been recognized by the Russian Formalists. The last,"literariness" in most current translated books are the mistranslation of an English adjective "literary", and the use of "literariness" in the context of Chinese since1930s has rarely been mentioned. It is because the western origin of "literariness" has not yet been clarified and its emergence and evolution in Chinese context is lacking of attention, that theorists use and interpret the concept in their papers and books randomly according to their necessity. To some degree, the embarrassing position of "literariness" is perhaps the representation of literary theory itself, which, difficult to seek the origins and comb the variety and to explain the literary phenomena, is voiceless as the "knowledge production" in certain narrow academic circles. Although the concept of "literature" and "literary theory" has existed only about two hundred years, but literary phenomena as well as the studies on them have passed down for thousands of years, therefore there are no completely new literary issues. There are two different origins of "literariness". The one is "the research object of literary science" which was made by Jacobson; the other is, as Culler has argued, the pursuit of "what is literature". But there are serious flaws in two statements, both in theoretical logic and in the historical literature. From the perspective of theoretical logic, the object of literary study is the literary phenomena and "what is literature" questions the literary essence, which means that there is no use to recreate a new term. In the perspective of historical literature, Jakobson's usage of литератрностъ has no connotation of "literary nature", but the translation of the word into other languages was attached with the meaning of "features","essence", etc., subjecting to the impact of their own native languages.
     To explore the actual origin of "literariness ", we have to return to the specific historical context. It was in1955that "literariness" was first treated as a concept when Erlich listed it as the most important concept and "Estrangement","Device","Form","Dominant" and other concepts were considered to be proposed under its influence in his writings about Russian Formalism. Erlich ignored the historical facts to portray Jakobson as the point person of Russian Formalism and described "literariness" as a polysemic concept. That is, it is the "distinctive feature" of literature, and also the "gestaltqualitat" of literary works. Jakobson's "Newest Russian Poetry" was also treated as the founding document of Russian Formalism. Actually, the Russian word, which was used at least from19th century, was impossibly coined by Jakobson. At that time, the original meaning of that word was "normalization of language" and it referred to "(law of) literature itself" in literary theses. At the same period, Tynjanov also applied the word in the sense of the latter and no Russians regarded it as a special literary term.
     Due to the cultural communication and ideological confrontation brought by the war, the studies of exiled researchers were favored so as to have far-reaching influence. The four editions of Erlich's writing founded the basic understanding of "literariness" in the English-speaking world. Todorov's translation started its spread in the French-speaking world. However, there was no particular reaction in the German-and Slavic-speaking world, which was relatively close to Russian. The research on "literariness", which mainly travelled in the English-and French-speaking world, gradually formed three patters:literary studies, theoretical studies and cultural studies. Russian Formalism and the New Criticism were regarded as the pattern of literary studies. Based on the analogies and comparison, the "literariness" of these two schools was interpreted as the association with language and forms, although the main theorists of the two schools never used the word "literariness". Culler had to admit that it was difficult to define "literariness" after the historical tracing. With the rise of Structuralism, the various "theories" and "critical theories" prevailed. Todorov, Genette, Eagleton, Derrida, de Man, etc., endowed "literariness" with more connotations and extensive applications in their writings. Simpson's thoughts of "postmodern academy" triggered the upsurge of interpretation of "literariness" in the cultural study, and indirectly spawned many new theories, such as "literariness spread" and "'literariness'will replace'literature'".
     Before the translation of Russian Formalism,"literariness" in Chinese appeared in1932when Su Wen referred to the inherent value and features of literature, but the consensus on the concept was not arrived at that time. After liberation,"literariness" and "imagination", and "fictionality" and other basic concepts of literary theory were employed to interpret each other in literary magazines constantly. In1980s,"literariness" was used for the independence of literature and disassociation from politics in various arguments. With a variety of translation of western literary theories, the understanding about "literariness" was increasingly rich as well as complicated. As a translated article whose basic ideas were from Erlich established the status of "literariness" in Russian Formalism, a variety of studies on the Russian literary theories were associated with "literariness" more or less. The boom of research on "literariness" also spawned two errors in translation. One was to translate "literary" as well as the words or phrases of the same root into "literariness"; the other is to translate the similar schools or concepts as the formalism studies into "literariness." As for the interpretation of the concept,"literariness" was explained as "the essence of literature" according to the meaning of "Xing" in Chinese.
     Western literary theories, Chinese tradition and the mistranslation of "literariness" constitute the triple sources of the concept of "literariness". However, the domestic academic circles have not realized the complexity of the sources, thus the specific interpretation and usage has clearly demonstrated the appeals of traditional culture for practicality, value and nature while still claimed its origin from Jakobson. But it is precisely in this kind of contradiction and confusion that the "literariness" has actively participated in the construction of Chinese contemporary literary theory. Firstly,"literariness" has brought a new understanding of "literature" and literary study and affected the recast of literary conception to a certain extent. Secondly, the adoption of new conception promotes to re-examine the different theoretical resources of the western and Chinese traditional theories as well as their modern counterpart. Thirdly, as the bond in the conflict of literary and cultural studies,"literariness" has stimulated the thinking of boundary. Finally, it stimulated the focus on the local literature and on changes of literature in the new media era, and brought about a new sense of crisis and the sense of innovation of the reconstruction of literary theories.
     A literary concept, regardless of any origin or language, no matter what misunderstanding in the travelling, has actively participated in our theoretical construction, which is unavoidable and also the starting point of our reflection. The variety of connotations and usage of "literariness" is just the appearance. We have to restore the historical context to explore its inherent logical thoughts and construct an effective literary theory based on our own culture, language and literary phenomena.
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    ⑥ Adrian Pilkington, Poetic Effects:A Relevance Theory Perspective, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company,2000.
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    ③ 参考:Stephen Rudy, Roman Jakobson,1896-1982:a complete bibliography of his writings, Berlin & New York:Mouton de Gruyter,1990.另参见:MITLibraries Archives:Roman O. Jakobson, 1896-1982, Papers,1908-1982, Manuscript Collection-MC.0072,网络文件参见:http://libraries.mit.edu/archives/research/collections/collections-mc/mc72.html#N10000.
    ④ Roman Jakobson, Modern Russian Poetry:Velimir Khlebnikov [Excerpts], in Major Soviet Writers, ed., Edward J. Brown, London, Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press,1973, p.58-82.
    ⑤ 中译参见:[爱沙尼亚]扎娜·明茨,伊·切尔诺夫:《俄国形式主义文论选》,王薇生编译,郑州:郑州大学出版社2005年,第320-324页。
    ① Roman Jakobson, Modern Russian Poetry:Velimir Khlebnikov [Excerpts], in Major Soviet Writers, ed., Edward J. Brown, London, Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press,1973, p.59-60.
    ① Roman Jakobson, Modern Russian Poetry:Velimir Khlebnikov [Excerpts], in Major Soviet Writers, ed., Edward J. Brown, London, Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press,1973, p.62-63.
    ① Roman. Jakobson, новейщая русская поззия,набросок первыи:Лодступы к хлебникову. in Selected Writings. Vol. V:On Verse, Its Masters and Explorers. The Hague, Paris, New York:Mouton, 1979. p.306-7.
    ③ Roman Jakobson, What Is Poetry?, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.368-378.
    ① Roman Jakobson, The Dominant, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.41-46.
    ② Roman Jakobson, Linguistics and Poetics, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.62-94.
    ③ [美]雷纳·韦勒克:《近代文学批评史》(第7卷),杨自伍译,上海:上海译文出版社2009年版,第575页。
    ④ Roman Jakobson, The Dominant, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.41.
    ⑤ Roman Jakobson, What Is Poetry?, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.378.
    ⑥ Roman Jakobson, Linguistics and Poetics, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987. p.93.
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    ① Hazard Adams & Leroy Searle, Critical Theory Since Plato,3rd, Boston:Heinle & Heinle Publishers Inc.,2004, p.870.
    ② http://www.opojaz.ru/method/method_intro.html
    ③ [法]让·贝西埃等:《诗学史》(下),史忠义译,天津:百花文艺出版社2002年版,第737页。
    ① Boris Ejxenbaum, Literary Environment. in Readings in Russian Poetics:formalist and Structuralist View, eds., Ladislav Matejka, & Krystyna Pomorska, trans., I. R. Titunik, London:MIT Press.1971, p.62. "Literary-historical fact is a complex construct in which the fundamental role belongs to literariness-an element of specificity that its study can be productive only in immanent-evolutionary terms. (Ejxenbaum 1971b,62)"
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    ④ [苏]维·什克洛夫斯基:《散文理论》,刘宗次译,南昌:百花洲文艺出版社1997年版,第80-81页。
    ① [英]柯勒律治:《文学生涯》,章安祺:《西方文艺理论史精读文献》,北京:中国人民大学出版社2003年版,第376页。
    ① Raman Selden, Peter Widdowson, Peter Brooker, A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory,5th, London:Pearson Education Limited,2005, p.4.
    ① Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.172.
    ② Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.172.另外,台湾中兴大学的董崇选1990年有一篇以此为题的文章,参见:Tung Chung-hsuan, The Nature and the Locus of "Literariness", in Study in English Literature and Linguistics, Taiwan Normal University,1990, p.113-122.另见:http://web.nchu.edu.tw/-chtung/
    ③ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.173.
    ④ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.173.
    ⑤ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.175.
    ⑥ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.179.
    ⑦ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.181.
    ⑧ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.181.
    ① Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.172.
    ② Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.198.
    ③ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.198.
    ④ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.181.
    ⑤ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.183.
    ① Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980. p.191.
    ② Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.183.
    ③ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.190.
    ④ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.199.
    ⑤ Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980, p.199.
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    ② Tzvetan Todorov, Poetique, Paris:Seuil,1968.中译参见胡经之,张首映《西方二十世纪文论选》第2卷,北京:中国社会科学出版社1989年版,第307-328页。
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    ④ Gerard Genette, Fiction and Diction, trans., Cathrine Porter, Ithaca and London:Cornel University Press,1993.
    ① Gerard Genette, Fiction and Diction, trans., Cathrine Porter, Ithaca and London:Cornel University Press,1993, p.2.
    ② [法]安托万·孔帕尼翁:《理论的幽灵——文学与常识》,吴泓缈、汪捷宇译,南京:南京大学出版社2011年版;[法]皮埃尔·马舍雷:《文学在思考什么》,张璐、张新木译,南京:译林出版社2011年版。
    ③ Tony Bennett, Formalism and Marxism, London & New York:Routledge,2005, p.52-54.
    ② [俄]罗曼·雅各布森:《主导》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第8页。
    ① [俄]罗曼·雅各布森:《主导》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第9页。
    ② [俄]罗曼·雅各布森:《主导》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第11页。
    ③ [俄]罗曼·雅各布森:《主导》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第11页。
    ① [捷克]扬·穆卡洛夫斯基:《标准语言与诗歌语言》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第17页。
    ② [捷克]扬·穆卡洛夫斯基:《标准语言与诗歌语言》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第17-27页。
    ③ [捷克]扬·穆卡洛夫斯基:《标准语言与诗歌语言》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第20页。
    ④ [捷克]扬·穆卡洛夫斯基:《标准语言与诗歌语言》,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第21页。
    ⑤ [英]拉曼·塞尔登,彼得·威德森,彼得·布鲁克:《当代文学理论导读》,刘象愚译,北京:
    ① [英]安纳·杰弗森,戴维·罗比等:《西方现代文学理论概述与比较》,陈昭全等译,长沙:湖南文艺出版社1986年版,第67页。
    ② [英]戴维·洛奇:《向这一切说再见——评伊格尔顿的(理论之后>》,王小群译,《国外理论动态》2006年第11期。
    ③ 赵毅衡:《“新批评”文集·前言》,北京:中国社会科学出版社1988年版,第3页。
    ④ [美]兰色姆:《批评公司》,[英]戴维·洛奇:《二十世纪文学评论》(上),葛林等译,上海:上海译文出版社1987年版,第404页。英文原文为:However the critic may spell them, the two terms are in his mind:the prose core to which he can violently reduce the total object, and the differentia, residue, or tissue, which keeps the object poetical or entire. See J. C. Ransom, Criticism, Inc., in The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, ed., V. B. Leitch, New York, W. W. Norton & Company,2001, p.1118.
    ① Rene Wellek, The revolt against Positivism in Recent European Literary Scholarship, in Twentieth Century English, ed., W. S. Knickerbocker, New York, Philosophical Library,1946, p.67-89; also see:
    The revolt against Positivism in Recent European Literary Scholarship, in Concepts of Criticism, New Haven:Yale University Press,1963, p.256-281.
    ② Rene Wellek, The revolt against Positivism in Recent European Literary Scholarship, in Concepts of Criticism, New Haven:Yale University Press,1963, p.276.
    ③ Rene Wellek, The Crisis of Compare Literature, in Concepts of Criticism, New Haven:Yale University Press,1963. p.293.
    ① [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第27--29页。
    ② [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第30页。
    ③ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第30页。
    ④ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第33页。
    ① [美] 乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第36页。
    ② [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第39页。这里译文有误,function并不只是“功能”,此处应为“结果”,即数学中的f(x)函数值或“因变量”之意。
    ③ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第40页。
    ④ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第42页。
    ⑤ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第43页。
    ⑥ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第43页。
    ⑦ [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第44页。
    ① [美]乔纳森·卡勒:《文学性》,[加]马克·昂热诺等:《问题与观点》,史忠义,田庆生译,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第44页。
    ② [美]希利斯·米勒:《解构主义者谈解构主义——希利斯·米勒访谈录》,《国外文学》1995年第3期。
    ③ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p.36.
    ① Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 40.
    ② Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 36.
    ③ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 37.
    ④ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 36
    ⑤ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 181-220.
    ⑥ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 205.
    ① [法]雅克·德里达:《多重立场》,佘碧平译,北京:三联书店2004年版,第78页。
    ② Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 43.
    ③ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 44.
    ④ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 35.
    ⑤ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 73
    ⑥ Jacuqes Derrida, Acts of Literature, ed., Derek Attridge, New York and London:Routledge,1992, p. 73.
    ① Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:an introduction,2nd, Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,1996, p. 10-14.
    ② [英]特里·伊格尔顿:《沃尔特·本雅明或走向革命批评》,郭国良,陆汉臻译,南京:译林出版社2005年版,第162页。
    ③ Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:an introduction,2nd, Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,1996, p.217, p.4-8.
    ④ Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:an introduction,2nd, Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,1996, p.5.英文function除了有“功能”之义外,还有“因变量”的意思,在这里指不同话语区别所产生的结果。
    ① Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory:an introduction,2nd, Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,1996, p.7.
    ② Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.3.
    ③ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.5.
    ④ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.25.
    ⑤ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.8. ① Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.9.
    ② Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.9-10.
    ③ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.10.
    ④ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.11.
    ⑤ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.8-11.
    ① Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1983, p.164.
    ② Maurice Blanchot, The Space of Literature, trans., Ann Smock, London:University of Nebraska Press,1989, p.220.
    ③ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.10.
    ④ Paul de Man, The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986, p.14.
    ⑤ [美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第15页。
    ⑥ [德]沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔:《走向文学人类学》,[美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第275页。
    ① [德]沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔:《走向文学人类学》,[美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第276页。
    ② [德]沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔:《走向文学人类学》,[美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第277页。
    ③ [德]沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔:《走向文学人类学》,[美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第284页。
    ④ [德]沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔:《走向文学人类学》,[美]拉尔夫·科恩:《文学理论的未来》,程锡麟 等译,北京:中国社会科学出版社1993年版,第298页。
    ① David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995.
    ② [美]戴维·辛普森:《学术后现代?》,杨恒达译,余虹:《问题》(第1辑),北京:中央编译出版社2003年版。
    ② David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.2-3.
    ① David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.1.
    ② David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.5.
    ③ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.5.
    ④ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.6.
    ⑤ [美]艾尔文·古德纳:《知识分子的未来和新阶级的兴起》,顾晓辉等译,南京:江苏人民出版社2002年版,第1页。
    ⑥ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.9.
    ⑦ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.165.
    ① David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.165-166.
    ② David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.180.
    ③ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.20.
    ④ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.21.
    ⑤ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.111.
    ⑥ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.3.
    ① David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.4.
    ② David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.11.
    ③ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.13.
    ④ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.13.
    ⑤ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.14.
    ⑥ David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.15.
    David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995, p.135.
    ② Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.1.
    ③ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.3.
    ④ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.5.
    ① Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.14.
    ② Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.14.
    ③ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.14.
    ④ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.18.
    ⑤ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.23.
    ⑥ Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory:a Very Short Introduction, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997, p.1.
    ① Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.23.
    ② Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.24.
    ③ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.24.
    ④ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.24.
    ⑤ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.25-26.
    ① Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.26.
    ② Steven Knapp, Literary Interest:The Limits of Anti-Formalism, Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1993.
    ③ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.26-27.
    ④ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.29.
    ⑤ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.29.
    ⑥ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.36.
    ⑦ Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ① Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.41.
    ② Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.42.
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    ①上述引文及出处分析参见:周启超:《 “形式化”·“语义化”·“意象化”——现代斯拉夫文论中“文学性”追问的不同路径之比较》,《新疆大学学报》2006年第3期。
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    ③ [美]雷纳·韦勒克:《近代文学批评史》(第7卷),杨自伍译,上海:上海译文出版社2009年版,第568页。
    ① 林骧华:《西方文学批评术语辞典》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社1989年版,第85页。
    ② 张隆溪:《艺术旗帜上的颜色:俄国形式主义与捷克结构主义》,《读书》,1983年第8期。
    ① 胡经之,王岳川:《文艺学美学方法论》,北京:北京大学出版社1994年版,第165页。
    ② 方珊:《形式主义文论》,济南:山东教育出版社1994年版,第106页。
    ③ 《马克思主义文艺理论研究》编辑部:《美学文艺学方法论》(下册),北京:北京文化艺术出版社1985年版,第530--1页。
    ① 钱佼汝:《“文学性”和“陌生化”——俄国形式主义早期的两大理论支柱》,《外国文学评论》,1989年第1期。
    ① 陈厚诚、王宁:《西方当代文学批评在中国》,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版。
    ② 张隆溪:《艺术旗帜上的颜色:俄国形式主义与捷克结构主义》,《读书》,1983年第8期。
    ③ 参见陈厚诚、王宁:《西方当代文学批评在中国》,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第59-80页。
    ④ 支宇:《文本语义结构的朦胧之美——论新批评的“文学性”概念》,《文艺理论研究》,2004年第5期。
    ⑤ 李幼蒸:《结构与意义》,北京:中国社会科学出版社1996年版。
    ① 陈厚诚、王宁:《西方当代文学批评在中国》,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第395页。
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    ② 周扬:《一要坚持,二要发展》,《人民日报》,1982年6月23日。
    ③ 陈厚诚、王宁:《西方当代文学批评在中国》,天津:百花文艺出版社2000年版,第207页。
    ④ Peter Widdowson, Literature, London:Routledge,1999.中译见[英]彼得·威德森:《现代西方文学观念简史》,张竞,张欣译,北京:北京大学出版社2006年版。
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    ② 赵毅衡:《文学符号学》,北京:中国文联出版公司1990年版,第103页。
    ③ 埃利希的《俄国形式主义》英文版的四个版次分别是:1955年、1965年、1969年和1980年。
    ⑤ Ann Jefferson, David Robey, Modern Literary Theory:A Comparative Introduction,2nd, London: B. T. Batsford Ltd.1986, p.74.
    ⑥ 赵毅衡:《文学符号学》,北京:中国文联出版公司1990年版,第101页。
    ⑦ Roman Jakobson, Linguistics and Poetics, in Language in Literature, ed., Krystyna Pomorsky and stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987, p.63.中文节译见[俄]罗曼·雅各布森: 《语言学与诗学》,滕守尧译,赵毅衡:《符号学文学论文集》,天津:百花文艺出版社2004年版,第171页。
    ① Rene Wellek, The Crisis of Comparative Literature, in Concepts of Criticism, New Haven:Yale University Press,1963. p.293.中译参见张隆溪:《比较文学译文集》,北京:北京大学出版社1982年版,第30页。
    ② [美]雷·韦勒克,奥·沃伦:《文学理论》,刘象愚等译,北京:三联书店1984年版,第7、10页。
    ③ But such a dichotomy into 'scholarship' and 'appreciation' makes no provision at all for the true study of literature, at once 'literary' and 'systematic'. Rene Wellek, Austin Warren, Theory of Literature, 3rd, Harcourt Brace & Company,1963, p.15-6.
    ① 两处的原文为"'fictionality','invention', or 'imagination' as the distinguishing trait of literature"; "This conception of literature is descriptive, not evaluative." Rene Wellek, Austin Warren, Theory of Literature,3rd, Harcourt Brace & Company,1963, p.26.
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    ③ 杨矗:《文学性新释》,《上海师范大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)2010年第2期。
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    ① 张华:《现代性与文学性》,《文史哲》2006年第6期。
    ② 姚文放:《文学性:百年文学理论的现代性追求》,《社会科学辑刊》2007年第3期。
    ③ 杨春时:《文学性与现代性》,《学术研究》2001年第11期。
    ④ 赵毅衡:《对岸的诱惑》,上海:上海人民出版社2007年版,第4页。
    ① 陈吉猛:《文学的“什么”与“如何”》,长春:吉林大学出版社2008年版;刘莉莉:《文学“如何”:理论与方法》,北京:北京大学出版社2009年版。
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    ② 贺桂梅:《“纯文学”的知识谱系与意识形态——“文学性”问题在1980年代的发生》,《山东社会科学》2007年第2期。
    ③ 余虹:《文学的终结与文学性的蔓延》,《文艺研究》2002年第6期。
    ④ 余虹:《白色的文学与文学性》,钱中文等编:《中外文化与文论》第10辑,四川教育出版社2003年版,第2页。
    ① David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago, the University of Chicago Press,1995.
    ② Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ③ 陈晓明:《文学的消失或幽灵化》,《问题》第1辑,北京:中央编译出版社2003年版,第95-102页。
    ④ 王岳川:《“文学性”消解的后现代症候》,《浙江学刊》2004年第3期。
    ⑤ 赖大仁:《图像化扩张与“文学性”坚守》,《文学评论》2005年第2期。
    ⑥ 吴子林:《对于“文学性扩张”的质疑》,《文艺争鸣》2005年第3期。
    ① 冯黎明《文本的边界——徘徊于历史主义和虚无主义之间的“文学性”概念》,《文学评论》2006年第4期。
    ② 这四篇文章是:《全球化对文学研究的影响》,《文学评论》1997年第4期;《全球化时代文学研究还会继续存在吗?》,《文学评论》2001年第1期;《论文学的权威性》,《文艺报》2001年8月28日;《“我对文学的未来是有安全感的”——希利斯·米勒访谈》,《文艺报》2004年6月24日。
    ① See J Hillis Miller, On Literature, London and New York:Routledge,2002.
    ② 如大量的写手和写作工作室。
    ③ 参见马睿:《反思边缘化介入当下性——当代中国文学理论的前景》,《文艺评论》2004年第2期。
    ④ 周维东《新世纪文学研究:如何面对“文学性”》,《理论与创作》2007年第2期。
    1. Rene Wellek, Austin Warren, Theory of Literature,3rd, Harcourt Brace & Company,1963.
    2. Rene Wellek, Concepts of Criticism, New Haven:Yale University Press,1963.-The Attack on Literature and Other Essays, Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press, 1982.
    3. L. T. Lemon, M. J. Reis, Russian Formalist Criticism:Four essays, Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,1965.
    4. Alex Preminger, T. V. F. Brogan, The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1965.
    5. L. Matejka & K. Pomorska, Readings in Russian Poetics, Cambridge:MIT Press,1971.
    6. Boris Ejxenbaum, Literary Environment, in Readings in Russian Poetics:formalist and Structuralist View, Ladislav Matejka, & Krystyna Pomorska, (eds), Titunik, I. R. (trans.), London: MIT Press.1971.
    7. R. Jakobson, Question de Poetique, Paris:Seuil,1973.-Language in Literature, Edited by Krystyna Pomorska, Stephen Rudy, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1987.
    8. Robert Scholes, Structuralism in Literature, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1974.
    9. L. M. O Toole and Ann Shukman, Russian Poetics in Translation, vol4:Formalism Theory, Oxford:Holdan Books Limited,1977.
    10. Victor Erlich, Russian Formalism:History-Doctrine,4th, Hague:Mouton Publishers,1980.
    11. Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1983.-The Resistance to Theory, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1986.
    12. Ann Jefferson, David. Robey, Modern Literary Theory:A Comparative Introduction,2nd, London:B. T. Batsford Ltd,1986.
    13. Hillis Miller, The Ethics of Reading:Kant, de Man, Eliot, Trollope, James, and Benjamin, Columbia University Press,1987.
    14. David Simpson, The Academic Postmodern and The Rule of Literature, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1995.
    15. Peter Widdowson, Literature, London and New York, Routledge,1999.
    16. Judith Butler, John Guillory and Kendali Thomas, What's Left of Theory?, New York:Routledge, 2000.
    17. V. B. Leitch, The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2001.
    18. Martin McQuillan, Paul de Man, London:Routledge,2001.
    19. Hazard Adams, Leroy Searle, Critical Theory Since Plato,3rd, Boston:Heinle & Heinle Publishers Inc.,2004.
    20. Raman Selden, Peter Widdowson, Peter Brooker, A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory,5th, London:Pearson Education Limited,2005.
    21. Tony Bennett, Formalism and Marxism, London & New York:Routledge,1979.
    22. Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory, Stanford:Stanford University Press,2007.
    23. Stephen Rudy, Roman Jakobson,1896-1982:a complete bibliography of his writings, Berlin & New York:Mouton de Gruyter,1990.
    24. Edward J. Brown, Major Soviet Writers, London, Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press, 1973.