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Faced with the demand of social progress for resources, to solve the sustainable use and development of resources is a major issue facing the country. The great attention to resources and environment has become a global consensus, at the same time, resource strategy and environmental strategy have become national strategies. Now the research of mineral resources and mineral resources supply chain (hereinafter referred to as to resource supply chain) has gradually caused wide spread concern.The effective functioning of resource supply chain is related to the resource-development enterprises and deep-processing enterprises downstream, thus, finally affect the consumer industries. On one hand, the reason why enterprises start this study is that they feel the external pressure from the related-resources and environmental laws and policies of the government; on the other hand, the reason why these enterprises study it is more likely that they can expand the stability of resources supply and useful utilization of resources through cooperation between upstream and downstream in the resource supply chain, thus increasing the profits and improving their market competitiveness. The related study of pricing and cooperation between each enterprise in the resource supply chain system has an extremely important theoretical and practical significance on the resources development in resource supply chain system, the selection of utilization mode, the performance management of supply chain, the distribution of income in supply chain system and the improvement of overall operational efficiency in the system, the policy-oriented government gives to the resources and the corporate choices in marketing strategies, etc..
     Modeling research of the traditional manufacturing supply chain systems has made a great progress in the past several years, and a number of pricing and coordination models emerged. However, these models rarely studies the influences of the characteristics of the resources to pricing and coordination, or the influences of market structure to the resource supply chain. There areas well few collaborative researches in which these models put different elements in the resource supply chain. Moreover, there do exist kinds of defects in both theory and method inside these models,and there is a big gap in management and operation practices of resource supply chain system.This thesis, from the perspective of real practices, fully considers thevarious situations much closer to reality,such as the connotation features of resources and resources-based supply chain,the market structure of resource supply chain,the cooperation of investment the different elements between upstream and downstream in the resource supply chain and so on. It also attempts to build the related pricing decision model for analysis and research in order to achieve the optimization of the coordination and efficiency in the resource supply chain system.Additionally, this thesis also explores the inner cooperation in the resource supply chain system.The main contents are as follows:
     This thesis begins with the research of theoretical basis of the resource supply chain and coordination, includingthe definition of the connotation ofresource-based supply chain, the main characteristics and the main influencing factors. The thesis defines the connotation of the resource supply chain from the part of connotation and characteristics of resources; and analyzes the key processes of this kind of supply chain operations. The thesis explores the meaning and characteristics of game theory, at the same time, analyzes the Stackelberggame issues in the supply chain,and also discusses the biform game theory. The thesis explores the application for strategy formulation in the resource supply chain market based on the industry life cycle theory and the theory of industrial concentration as well.
     Then, this thesis makes economic analysis for resource supply chain pricing based on the different market structures, and makes research for industrial concentration based on the market structure.Based on the view of economics, the thesis analyzes and summarizes the three typical market structures in the resource supply chain. What's more, the thesis analyzes supplier pricing under different market structures and influencing factors based on the supply elasticity theory, and gives some corresponding policy recommendations. Meanwhile, it analyzes endogenous mechanisms produced in market structure. Different industrial concentration of upstream and downstream industry in the supply chain will directly affect its position in the supply chain, and affect whether it will lead the supply chain to gain more benefits,so the research about the generation mechanism of industrial concentration is a further exploration to this issue. The thesis does some reasonable inferences and proves them later,gives some useful conclusions. It proves that larger oligarchs can expand production rapidly with its advantages in order to expand its market share, and to improve the operating profit of the whole industry and its own profit; proves that larger oligarchs are willing to obtain additional production capacity at a higher cost (less than the price); proves that larger oligarchs are willing to get the relative scarce resources at a higher price (higher than smaller oligarch) in order to achieve the expansion.And the thesis validates these with actual cases.
     Based on the decision model researches of resource supply chain under the different market structures and the game analysis of resource supply chain based on the unevenly distributed resource, implementing the principle of conducting quantitative researches after the qualitative analysis, this thesis makes a deeply qualitative analysis for the examples in reality under the three typical market structures firstly, which including upstream-oriented, downstream-oriented and upstream&downstream-balanced, and makes theoretical analysis and explanation for the phenomenon in iron ore, rare earth, the bulk metal trading and makes some policy recommendations. The thesis constructs models and analyzes the different game theories based on them, including Stackelberg game led by resource developers, Stackelberg game led by downstream processing enterprises, Nash equilibrium game of resource-developers and processing enterprises, and analyzes equilibrium price and revenue in cooperation. It also makes a comparison of equilibrium prices and revenue in four kinds of different circumstances, and verifies the above researches using simulation. After the analysis of the biform game in bargaining of resource supply chain caused by the uneven distribution of resources, studies shows that the external opportunities of downstream enterprises is a key factor to determine the supply chain bargaining results.
     Finally, the thesis makes cooperation research based on the resource supply chain. The thesis analyzes the necessity for cooperation on resource supply chain and points out that the cooperation between upstream and downstream is an effective way to improve the competitiveness of the supply chain. At the same time, the thesis inducts the ways of resource supply chain's collaboration under different competitive environment and suggests the classification of the homogeneous cooperation and heterogeneous cooperationin resource supply chain. And this thesis analyzes two typical situations in resource supply chain cooperation based on it. The thesis analyzes a special case of the resource supply chain cooperation, which is also a representative with prominent features in resource supply chain collaboration, namely the cooperation under different input factors between upstream and downstream entities in resource supply chain. In this situation, the upstream invests in resource exploration costs to get more resources and downstream invests in technology R&D costs in order to improve the recovery and utilization of resources, the thesis makes the game analysis for all kinds of situations under the cooperation, and verifies the study results through numerical simulation at the same time.
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