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知识就是力量,学校是一个以知识、人才、思想资源服务于社会并推动着社会发展的组织,知识是学校的重要资源。知识经济时代的来临,知识社会逐渐形成,新型态的知识工作者(knowledge worker)出现,使得不少学者开始重视“知识管理”的观念,并把“知识管理”的理论应用于教育领域。
Knowledge is power, school is an organization that offers services for society by its knowledge and talent resource, especially the knowledge is essential in school recourse. With the coming of economic times based on knowledge, the formation of knowledgeable society and the emerging of knowledge worker, some scholars have begun to focus on the concept of "knowledge management", and put this theory into the practice in education.
     With the development of research for knowledge management and the pressing forward of curriculum reform, the exploration of school-based curriculum is coming to be the focus of knowledge management. The exploration of school-based curriculum in the view of knowledge management not only benefits the theory research of it, but also provide reference for the operation of principal and teachers' daily work. This research carries out mainly based on a survey in D district in Shanghai, discussing the possibility of connection between knowledge management and school-based curriculum. And it has been proved positive connection between them through this survey, good knowledge management could explore school-based curriculum with good quality, and school-based curriculum could motivate the knowledge management.
     Knowledge management and school-based curriculum's exploration is not always on a smoothing journey. The exploration of school-based curriculum could not only be influenced by knowledge management, but the management mechanism and the share of knowledge resource , the limitation of teacher's difference and resource as well. Overall, this influence has been connected with government, education institutions, the medium level executive staff and teacher in school as well. Thus, to promote the efficiency of school-based curriculum , there are three essentials should be in consideration, that is the efforts of school; the support and cooperation of teacher and educational institution. To promote the efficiency of school-based curriculum exploration in the view of knowledge management, school should strengthen the formation of platform for knowledge share, improve the ability of teacher in practice, restructure the school organization in a proper way just like the establishment of learning organization, management based on knowledge, and all that could guarantee the promotion of school-based curriculum development, the upgrade of curriculum evaluation system and the management level of school. For the teacher, it should be considered in fostering the personal ability of knowledge management , the exploration of school-based exploration and the passion for curriculum exploration as well. For the education institution, it should be considered in promoting the training system for internet resource share, investing more for the curriculum reform and encouraging teacher to do field research..
① Hargreaves, D. H. (2000). The Production, Mediation and Use of Professional Knowledge Among Teachers and Doctors: A comparative analysis. In Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (Ed.), Knowledge management in the learning society, pp. 219-238.
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