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Technology innovation is the power of survival and development for enterprise, andthe guarantee of promoting industry, regional, and national competitiveness. Under thebackground of resource constraints, energy constraints and environmental constraints, thedevelopment mode of no innovation support is unsustainable. Innovation is multiplemain body participation, and the resources transformation process of multiple input,output and phase. By integrating various resources, to achieve innovative ideas to value,is the ultimate goal of innovation. However, because of the complexity of the innovationactivities, differences of evaluation methods and means, lead to different results.Combined with the important position in national economy of the large andmedium-sized manufacturing enterprises in our country and the innovation developmentpresent situation, a lot of problems we need to continue to explore, such as how manyparticipants and key links are there in the innovation process? Under the background ofour country vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, do they match ofinnovation input and output of? What are factors that influence innovation efficiency?How to improve the innovation efficiency and level of China's large and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprises, etc., all need to break through the traditional research.
     Innovation value chain (IVC) theory is a powerful tool to research the innovationefficiency and innovation process. On the basis of predecessors' research, constructs thenew model of innovation value chain, disconnect the value realization process, proposethree input and output, and according to different links of input and output, measuring theinnovation efficiency and the influence factors, from the perspective of industry andregional respectively to evaluate the innovation efficiency of large and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprises in our country, and gives the different modes of innovationvalue chain from low efficiency to high efficiency, as well as the safeguard measures ofrealizing the extent of the IVC, to promote the innovation efficiency of large andmedium-sized manufacturing enterprises in our country. The research content mainlyincludes:
     First, the construction of innovation value chain model. Reference to previous research foundation, combining the innovation reality of large and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprise, constructed the new value chain model. The new innovationvalue chain model focus on:(1) Different stakeholders of innovation, different innovationmain body, have different innovation resources and innovation motivation, has animportant influence on the innovation efficiency.(2) Inputs and outputs of innovation.base on systematic, scientific, practicability, feasibility, innovation value realizationprocess is subdivided into three input and output, respectively corresponding to theoutput of science and technology, materialized output, and value output, the results aremore close to the reality, more targeted.(3) The key link in the process of innovationvalue realization. That is key elements affect three times of the input and output. Thispaper respectively with innovation organization pattern, the transformation of scientificand technological achievements, commercial efficiency.(4)The type of innovation valuechain. According to different areas of innovation efficiency high and low condition,could be divided into complete innovation value chain model,research and developmentleading commercialization,leading, development and commercialization of leading,manufacturing leading, etc., for the innovation combined with empirical analysis of thevalue chain extension mode selection.
     Second, the efficiency evaluation of each link to innovation value chain. Theimplementation process of innovation value can be subdivided into three phases, for eachphase of the input and output characteristics, efficiency evaluation uses the dataenvelopment analysis (DEA) method of. According to different links of innovation inputand output characteristics, constructing evaluation index system, data from Chinastatistical yearbook, China statistical yearbook of science and technology and otherofficial statistics. According to the results of the DEA analysis, divided our country largeand medium-sized manufacturing enterprises from the perspective of industry andregional perspective into different type of innovation value chain. Finally, according todifferent areas of innovation efficiency, using multiple regression analysis method forregression analysis on the key factors that influence efficiency of innovation, verifycorrelation of the influencing factors and the innovation efficiency of different link.
     Third, the mode selection of innovation value chain extension and safeguardmeasures. For the purpose of innovation efficiency evaluation of large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in our country, on the one hand, to understand the status quo,found the problem, on the other hand is in view of the problem, provides thecountermeasures. Empirical analysis results given China's large and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprises innovation efficiency status of industry and regionalperspective, and classify combining the theory of innovation value chain model.According to different areas of innovation efficiency, need to extend innovate value chain,that is, upgrade from low efficiency to high efficiency model. Finally, puts forward themeasures to promote innovation value chain upgrade from different angles, to promotethe innovation efficiency of large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises all-roundin China.
     Based on the evaluation of the innovation efficiency of large and medium-sizedmanufacturing enterprises in our country,on the one hand, the innovation value chainmodel is verified, on the other hand, analyzes the current situation and industry, regionaldifferences of the large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in our country, andfind the factors that influence innovation efficiency, provides the reference opinions tomaximize the industry innovation efficiency, has strong theoretical and practicalresearch value.
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    ②Ricardo Aguado Mu oz, The Innovation Value Chain (IVC):Issues of Efficiency and Effectiveness within theBasque Country. Paper to be presented at6th International Conference. July2009
    ③Tim Powell. The Knowledge Value Chain (KVC):How to Fix It When It Breaks. Presented at KnowledgeNets2001,New York City, May2001.Published in M.E. Williams (ed.), Proceedings of the22nd National Online Meeting
    ④H.E. Mr. Suwit Khunkitti, The Life Sciences Innovation Value Chain:The Importance of Life Sciences Innovation toAPEC. Life Sciences Innovation Forum, Phuket, Thailand,14-23August2003
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    ④Ricardo Aguado Mu oz, The Innovation Value Chain (IVC):Issues of Efficiency and Effectiveness within theBasque Country. Paper to be presented at6th International Conference. July2009
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