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District science and technology plan projects are established by the district government to meet the need of development of economy and society. Performance evaluation is the foundation and precondition of monitoring plan projects' actualization effectively, so performance evaluation is important to realize the optimal collocation of science and technology resource, to improve the monitor and management level of plan projects, to bring science and technology plan into further play.
     Guided by modern economy and management theory and modern statistical theory and method, compressive application some correlative theories and methods of science and technology statistics, econometrics, mathematical statistics, incorporating criterion and empirical analyze, based on comprehensive investigation of relative worldwide production, the theoretical study and empirical analyze of district science and technology plan projects are carried, and a scientific exercisable performance evaluation system of district science and technology plan projects is brought forward. The system has a higher value to generalize and is used to analyze the performance of Jiangsu science and technology plans projects. The followings are the main content of this paper: (1) the connotation of performance, performance evaluation, and performance evaluation of district science and technology plan projects and the classification and orientation of district science and technology plan projects are analyzed roundly. Then performance evaluation index system of district science and technology plan projects is set up. (2) The basic theorized and methods on district science and technology plan projects are probed and the characteristic of different methods is summarized. (3) The criterion and process of performance evaluation of district science and technology plan projects are established. (4) By empirical analysis of Jiangsu ended science and technology plan projects using the database of 2003-2004 Jiangsu ended science and technology plan projects, countermeasures to realize optimization of district science and technology plan projects are put forward.
     Through the research, we can know these: the performance of science and technology plan projects ties up their own orientation and; the basic research is relative weak and it is very necessary to improve the level of projects innovation; the relative weakness in cultivating the group's innovation is restricting the continual improvement of persons. So, to increase the performance of Jiangsu science and technology plan projects, the followings should be done: make measures to induct society capital put into science and technology plan projects; sot up and consummate the selection and outlay mechanism of science and technology plan projects; bring agency into play; establish and enhance measure system of science and technology plan projects; perfect the data collection work of science and technology ended projects.
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