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Urban rail transit plays an important role on the way people travel. It will bring aserious effect on the dense crowd outside or inside the station in emergency. Therefore,an efficient emergency evacuation simulation method and evacuation measures shouldbe proposed according to the characteristics of the rail transit station, to quicklyevacuate the dense crowd in the station. In this paper, we research on modeling andsimulation of pedestrian movement and evacuation of the subway station, accordingto the idea of“the analysis of current theory-studies on observing crowd movement-evacuation modeling–the implementation and verification of simulation model–the application of simulation model”.
     (1) By collecting building structure data, video and passenger flow data of aspecific station, we analyze the distribution, flow and speed of crowd using themethod of statistical analysis, to research on crow flow characteristics of subwaystation.
     (2) A subway station evacuation model of fine grid cellular automata is proposedby introducing ground field to describe and handle pedestrian behavior. Ground fieldcan be broken down for various fields of attraction and repulsion, respectively,describing the attraction and repulse of individual to the buildings or the others. It hasa strong description ability and scalability for modeling.
     (3) A complex scene evacuation simulation platform is implemented by computerprogramming based on GIS technology, and the platform is verified by the crowdobservation and theoretical analysis. The core algorithm of the evacuation isindependent of GIS technology, which ensures the independent and efficiency ofalgorithm, also ensures the establishment and visualization of complex scene.
     (4) The steps and processes of using the evacuation platform are given. Thedifferent scenarios of the evacuation in a specific station are simulated and analyzedto get the evacuation performance. The three dimension station is builded to showthree dimension evacuation according to the result of the platform. The analysis ofevacuation under emergency situation is studied to give optimization evacuation planand recommendations.
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