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As people cannot predicate an earthquake precisely at present, the key to respond to city disasters and protect lives and properties of people is to build a scientific, efficient and perfect earthquake emergency shelters system.
     The disaster situation of "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake in Chengdu on the one hand shows the high concentration of risk in the central area of big cities which has significant potentials of disaster, on the other hand exposes the problem of the weak capability to resist earthquake disaster of lots of towns and rural areas. At present, related planning practices at home and abroad are mostly focused on the urban construction area in the big cities, while the research on the coordination of the urban and rural areas in the urban planning areas and city areas is still relatively scarce. Furthermore, there are more qualitative researches than quantitative researches without relatively mature theory framework and technical method. This research applies methods in city disaster study, ethology, systematology, and Geographic Information System to the research on the programming of city emergency shelter. Taking Chengdu city which has gone through the5.12Whenchuan earthquake as an example, this research focuses on some key problems of building emergency shelters in the coordination of urban and rural areas, the main work and obtained conclusions in this paper are as follows:
     (1) Combing the backdrop of coordinating the development between urban and rural areas, this paper broadens the scope of the programming of emergency shelter, puts forward the classification of the emergency shelters in the coordination of the development between urban and rural areas in Chengdu and broadens the existing scope of programming.
     (2) Determining whether the city earthquake emergency shelters resources meet the needs of citizens for post-disaster shelter is the priority of the programming of city earthquake emergency shelters. This paper which takes Chengdu city as an example and takes carrying capacity of emergency shelters, space accessibility and distribution of population into account, puts forward assessment method of earthquake emergency shelters capacity based on L-A(location-allocation) model. It is more objective and efficient to reflect the relationship between carrying capacity of emergency shelters and needs for post-disaster shelters.
     (3) This paper which combines the idea of "safe city" and takes Chengdu city as an example, puts forward an idea of an organized, dynamic and safe evacuation programming and an model of taking shelters of combining "taking on-the-spot shelters" and "taking long-distance shelters". This research believes that the programming of the earthquake emergency evacuation of cities should be presented in the programming of the emergency shelters of cities as an important content and it should strengthen its ties with city emergency plan. It will not only influence the prediction of the medium and long-term needs for emergency shelters of urban centers in the programming which will alleviate contradictions of resources of megalopolitan centers, but also takes into account of the coordination between urban centers and urban fringe areas to arrange emergency shelters and to provide shelters jointly.
     (4) Non-urban construction land is an important part of open areas in cities. While the non-urban construction land has ecological, cultural and economical meanings, it can introduce some other functions like city safety moderately. This paper takes non-urban construction land in Chengdu as an example to study the function of non-urban construction land of emergency shelters in megalopolis. This paper combines the construction of non-urban construction land with the construction of country parks which have functions of being both normal parks and emergency shelters to build non-urban construction land into medium and long-term emergency shelters and bring them into the whole urban disaster prevention system to further enrich and develop their functions.
     (5) Taking the emergency shelters in Dayi county of Chengdu city which was hard-hit by5.12Wenchuan earthquake as an example and combining the post-disaster experience in the disaster areas, this paper puts forwards key points of the programming and distribution of emergency shelters in different regions of urban areas, towns and rural areas. This research provides a reference for the programming of the regional emergency shelters in the background of balancing urban and rural development for other similar regions.
     (6) This paper combines the emergency shelters system in the backdrop of balancing urban and rural development and strengthens the research on the quantization of the programming of amenities. It provides a reference for improving related programming and construction standards.
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