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With the development of the network economy, the software platform market, promoted by the software industry and the Internet industry, is growing rapidly. On the one hand, through E-commerce of software transaction, software platform reshapes the business model of the software industry, and injected new vitality to industry development. On the other hand, introducting the third-party applications to Internet open platform, which open up a new territory for the development of the Internet industry. Especially, in the future, with the mature and popularity of clound computing, software platform will face to a broader space.And the software platform is gradually becoming the core of the software ecosystem.But currently, the research on operationg mechanism of software platform is not comprehensive and systematic enough.
     So this paper focus on the platform's structure, conduction and performance, from the characteristics of the software platform
     This paper, which researched platform in the behavior and performance of different structures, will have important theoretical and practical significance.
     In research method, object and content, this paper also has certain breakthroughs and innovations:
     First of all, in terms of the research method, the existing research had two perspectives:the traditional economics and two-sided market theory. They both had some shortcoming. This paper mainly study from the theoretical framework of two-sided market, but in the modeling and analyzing, combine with the traditional economics research in the software industry, and use of game theory research methods. So it will break through the original ideas in the framework of a single theory.
     Secondly, in terms of the research object.In the past, PC operating system was mostly as object of the software platform. But because software platform is migrating to the Internet, it has new characteristics of the industry.So this paper expands the connotation of a software platform.
     At last, in terms of the research content, this paper focus on "software platform pricing mechanism under triangle architecture","different operating characteristics about closed and open software platform",'platform operating under two-sided multi-homing conditions" These are hot issues about software platform industry,but now lack of related research in these areas, so it will also reflect the innovation on research.
     The main conclusions of this research are as follows:
     Firstly, the software platform has the general characteristics of the two-sided markets, such as:cross-group externalities, non-neutral conditions of the price structure, and complimentary to two-side users.But also it has the specific characteristics, such as:triangle architecture, a variety of structures,multi-homing of two-sided users.
     These features together determine the operation mechanism of the software platform.
     Secondly, about monopoly platform, the scale of profits and end-suers depends on elasticity of demand and structure of platform.
     In general, vertically integrated open platform will dominate in terms of end-users'share. But vertically integrated closed platform will dominate in terms of profits.
     Thirdly, about two-sided single-homing competitive platform, whether it dominates on end-users scale, will depand on the maximum demand of the platform and substitutability between platforms.
     In general, competing between closed platform and integrated open platform, conditions of dominant on profits will be lower than conditions of dominant on profits user scale.
     Forthly, about two-sided multi-homing competitive platform,when the software platform has more single-homing users, will make the platform price higher to the other side, and still be able to attract more users of the other side to access. It reflects that the important significance of single-homing users to the software platform.
     Finally, combining with conclusions, the paper provided related recommendations on choicing of platform's structure, drawing up market and development strategies.
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