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     股票价格的变动及股票的实际质量的变化都来自信息的影响。当有新信息发生出来又瞬间影响到股票价格的变动,同时也影响到公司的经营成果的变化。如果是好信息就影响到股票价格和公司的实际质量都增加,相反,如果是坏信息发生出来就影响到股票价格和股票的实际质量都降低。从而,不论有好信息还是坏信息发生出来,股票价格和股票的实际质量都是有同方向变化的。这样的情况股票的价格是反应了其股票的实际质量跟其它产品同样的,高质量的股票有高价格,低质量的股票有低价格的。因此,投资者都会放心买卖股票的,要买高质量的股票就买高价格的股票,要买低价格的股票就要接受那是低质量的股票。这样的情况来自股票市场的高效率价格机制,显示股票市场效率是高效率的。市场效率的理论发展过了一百多年,而是目前最常用的理论为Eugene Fama的有效市场假说(Efficient Market Hypothesis:EMH)在1970年代开始提出的。EMH指出市场的效率总共有三形式为:(1)弱式有效性表示股票价格已经反映所有过去的股价,从而投资者不能使用股票的技术分析方法为了收到超额收益率;(2)半强式有效性表示股票价格已经反映所有公开的信息,从而投资者不能使用股票的基本面分析为了收到超额收益率;(3)强式有效性表示股票价格已经反映所有发生出来的信息甚至内幕信息,从而投资者都没办法收到超额收益率。EMH没有提到股票的实际质量,可能是EMH的主要假定条件为:(1)理性经济人假说:投资者都是理性的表示投资者都理解清楚信息对股票价格有什么影响的,并没有理解错的,而且也知道哪个信息是实情的,那个信息是虚假的;(2)信息的获得是零成本:投资者都平等及同时间收到所有发生的信息,但是在实际股票市场上这两个假定条件都不能现实的。在股票分析文章上也经常发现有预测股票的价格或者质量是错的,这就显示了连专家也理解信息错的或者不一定能理解那个信息是对股票的价格及质量有什么影响,那么一般的投资者怎么能都正确理解信息。此外,当有新信息发生出来,股票市价瞬间反应信息了,但是股票的质量来自公司的经营成果,需要用比较长时间才显示那个信息的影响,时间越长越有不确定性结果。从而跟着EMH的理论连股票市场是有高效率的也没有显示股票市价能反映股票的实际质量。
     本文关注股票市场的反映股票实际质量的性能。因为这个股票市场的性能是容易理解的,所以本文认为投资者都能理解及利用股票市场的反映股票实际质量的性能为了制定其投资的政策。本研究确定股票市场效率的定义为“所有存在股票市场的股票市价都能反映其股票的实际质量”。本研究的股票市场效率的定义跟EMH的定义是不同的,但是本文认为股票市场效率指数的原因跟EMH的原因是同样的。本文的研究方法也跟EMH不同的,本研究运用经济增加值(Economic Value Added:EVA)作为公司或者股票的实际质量的指标,使用相关系数测量股票投资收益率和经济增加值的关系,并作为股票的市场价格效率指数。最后使用股票市场的所有股票的市场价格效率指数通过加权平均方法构建出股票市场效率指数。本研究使用泰国股票市场作为个案研究,并运用泰国股票交易所50家上市公司作为研究的样本。
For the developing economy, a lot of companies need a large number of fund to develop their economic activities. Stock market is a major institute to help many large companies to funding from the publics. Stock market not only helping companies to funding from publics, but also helping people to save their money by investing in listed stocks, and helping people to become a large companies shareholder.
     However, stock market system is so complicate. A lot of people dare not investing their money in stock market, because they are afraid of investment risk. Stock character is different from any common product. For any common product, buyer can read its quality and price from product label, so they can use a little time to read product label before deciding to buy the product. But for stocks, stocks price come from demand and supply for stocks, that also changing with changing in demand or supply. Furthermore, stock's quality comes from its company's performance, that also away change with any effect from any factors.
     Both stock price and quality of stock will change when receive a new information. If has a new good information, both price and quality of stock will be increasing. On the contrary, if has a new bad information, both price and quality of stock will be decreasing. Whether there is good or bad information take place also effecting both price and quality of stock to change in the same direction. This is express that stock price can reflect the real quality of stock like any common product, high quality one also has high price and low quality one also has low price. As a result, investors can trust the stock price and be assured to trading stock. This condition express that stock market has high efficiency.
     Market efficiency theory has developed for a hundred years, and the most frequency usage is Efficient Market Hypothesis(EMH) in1970s by Eugene Fama. EMH has three major of market efficiency forms:(1) weak-form market efficiency means that stock price already reflect all of past trading price, so investors can't use any technical analysis methods to take the excess profit;(2) semi-strong-form market efficiency means that stock price already reflect all of publicly available information, so investors can't use any fundamental analysis methods to take excess profit;(3) Strong-form market efficiency means that stock price already reflect all of information including inner information, so investors have no way to take excess profit. However, EMH does not refer to quality of stock. This may be the about two major assumption of EMH:(1) all of investors are reasonable, that imply all of investors can understand all received information, cannot misunderstand received information and also knowing which information is true and which information is false, furthermore they are also know that information has what effect to stock price;(2) all of investors are fairly and on time receiving all information. But, in realistic stock market this two conditions cannot come true. We often find that there are some stock analysis reports giving wrong forecasted stock price and wrong suggestion. This show that even specialist may not really understand all received information and its effect. Therefore, any common investors also may not understand received information and its effect. These reasons may be showing that why EMH's market efficiency may not reflect real quality of stock.
     This study concerned about ability of stock's market price to reflect real quality of stock. The definition of stock market efficiency is "All of stocks'market price can reflect stocks'real quality". This research use economic value added(EVA) as real quality of stock, and use correlation co-efficiency of stock's return rate and EVA of company to estimate relationship between stock's return rate and company's EVA. This correlation co-efficiency is "stock-market-price efficiency index". Then use stock-market-price efficiency index of all stocks to calculate Stock Market Efficiency Index (SMEI) by using weighted average method. This research use Thailand's stock market as case study and use50listed stock from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) as research sample.
     The result of this research is that in2007-2011, most of SET's listed stocks have stock-market-price efficiency index at inefficiency condition, some stocks have stock-market-price efficiency index at negative efficiency condition and some stocks have stock-market-price efficiency index at efficiency condition. However,2007-2011, SET's SMEI is in the range between0.12866-0.34150, express that Thailand's stock market is in inefficiency condition.
     The last part of this research is the suggestion of researcher for investors, government and stock market's managing director. Suggestions for investors is that should buy stocks which have increasing EVA and have stock-market-price efficiency index at negative efficiency or inefficiency condition. In contrary, should sell or not invest in stocks which have decreasing EVA and have stock-market-price efficiency index at negative efficiency or inefficiency condition. Suggestions for government is that government should legislate law for forcing all listed companies to disclosed and publicize all related stock price information also not publicize false information. Furthermore government should force stock analysis companies and stock analyst to develop their skill and cannot publicize too much false analysis reports. Suggestions for stock market managing director that stock market should calculate stock-market-price efficiency index of all listed stock and SMEI for each year and publicize to all investors. Researcher hope all these suggestion can improve stock market efficiency
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