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With the constructions of many engineering projects on large scale in recent years, many problems take on gradually, of which the engineering quality is the most serious one. Engineering qualities not only bring great hazards to the lives and wealth of people, but also give rise to bad social influence. A great many of survey results indicate that the common problem for quality accidents of engineering projects lies in the deficiency of management that is scientific, rigorous, practical and effective. In all the influencing factors, the specific weight of bad quality of supervisory work is great. For the time being, how to strengthen the supervision and management of construction market and increase the quality of supervisory work is not only related to the improvement and development of construction supervisory system in itself, but also the anticipatory realization of investment benefits of many projects. Moreover, that is also closely related to the health development of socialism market economy. In our c
    ountry, for the quality administrative problems of supervisory company, there isn't specific exposition up to now, and many quality administrative systems aren't established. Furthermore, the status of quality management is low in supervisory company. Accordingly, it is very difficult to make that display effective action in project supervision. Therefore, to study the quality management of supervisory company is of great significance. Based on generalizing the different viewpoints of quality management in home and abroad, in this paper, the quality management systems are proposed, which will benefit to the improve the supervisory action actually.
    The many problems for quality management of supervisory company are analyzed in this paper in detail, and how to strengthen quality management of supervisory company further is discussed too. In terms of these two aspects, we can increase the level of supervisory work, make full use of the supervisory action and take advantage of the investment benefits of engineering construction. If we attach great importance to the quality management work of engineering, the management for engineering quality of supervisory company will be strengthened, and the engineering quality will be increased correspondingly.
    Many viewpoints mentioned in this paper are relatively new, the analysis them are relatively comprehensive, which can give us determinate guidance for our supervisory work.
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