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虚拟专用网(VPN,Virtual Private Network)是近几年才兴起的网络新技术,目前Internet本身还是一个没有安全保证的网络,建立虚拟专用网的关键就在于保证专用网的安全性。根据虚拟专用网的特点和发展现状,本文将其安全问题按内容分为三个方面:隧道技术安全、加密技术安全及认证技术安全。并结合企业文档管理系统所涉及到的实际问题,提出了对各类安全问题的解决方案:将L2TP协议与IPSec协议相结合的安全隧道技术新方案、对称加密和非对称加密结合在一起使用的加密方法、使用智能卡来确保认证的安全执行。最后,在现有软、硬件基础上,针对企业文档管理系统中虚拟专用网实现中遇到的实际问题,对一些关键技术的实现进行探讨和编程。
Virtual Private Network is a new rising network technology.At present,Internet itself is still a network without secure assurance,the key of building virtual private network is in how to assure private network's security.according to the characteristic and developing status quo,this article classifies the safety problem into three:the safety of tunneling technology,the safety of encryption and the safety of authentication technology.With the related technologies used in the enterprise document management system,this paper descripted the solutions on the variety of safety problemsrcombining L2TP protocol with IPSec protocol.the symmetric encryption and the asymmetric encryption are both into effect.using intelligent card to enhance authentication's secure performance.At last ,based on current softwares and hardwares,aiming to the actual problem on building virtual private network in enterprise document management system,some key technology's implementation has being discusssed and programed.
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