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     最后在ChinaGrid的CGSP基础上构建了一个P2P模块,初步实现了一个集成P2P模式的网格环境。然后利用所设计的网格资源监控与分析系统(Grid Resrouce Vision andAnalysis System,GVAS)对本文提出的遗传蚁群混合算法进行了验证,取得了较好效果。
Grid computing and P2P computing emerge as the next generation of computing technologyfor a solution of sharing the large-scale geographical distribution resource. They are both hotresearch topics in recent years. Most of grid systems are medium-scale at present, and they aregenerally applied centralized or hierarchical mode to managing resource. Although there areperfecting infrastructures, grid resources management still lacks effective scalability. On theother hand, P2P systems are mainly used in sharing the edge resources of Internet, such as file-sharing of personal computer. Although the lack of strict infrastructure, P2P systems adopt afully distributed resource management mode in which resources could be joined in and outmore dynamically. Therefore, the grid computing and P2P computing have more and morecommon ground. P2P technology, the advantage of which is applied to grid system, couldimprove the scalability and dynamicity of the traditional grid.
     However, P2P technology integrated into the grid environment brings about some newproblems and challenges. The main research problems we are faced with are the grid resourcemanagement architecture integrated P2P mode, the mechanism of resource organization andlocation, task scheduling mechanism, security of resource management, and so on.
     Aiming at the above issues, this dissertation focuses on grid resources discovery modelintegrated of P2P mode, resources discovery algorithm and task scheduling mechanism basedon the theories of Process Algebra, Agent, Petri nets.The main research contents aresummarized as follows:
     1) First, grid resource management architecture integrated P2P mode is put forward. Then,based on this architecture, we give an grid resource discovery model integrated agenttechnology and semantics which overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional centralizedresource discovery mechanism, using semantic approach for resources matching to enhance theaccuracy of resources matching and optimize the grid resources discovery.
     2) According to grid system features integrated P2P mode, a formal model is establishedusing Pi-calculus. The example of P2PGrid service system is deduced and verified with the helpof Pi-calculus tools MWB. The results show that the grid system integrated P2P mode, which is based on the Pi-calculus, has flexibility and security, and effectively meets the service demandof grid nodes.
     3) Based on grid resource management model integrated P2P mode, a mixed algorithmintegrated genetic algorithm and ant algorithms is proposed to solve the problems of gridresources discovery integrated P2P mode. The mixed algorithm combines the advantages ofgenetic algorithm and ant algorithms. Firstly, the genetic algorithm is used to find the resourcecoarsest of P2PGrid, then through the ant algorithm to find accurate resources. What’s more, thealgorithm is compared with the traditional flooding algorithm and the result proves that it canimprove the performance of resource discovery.
     4) According to features of grid task scheduling integrated P2P mode, firstly grid taskscheduling model integrated P2P mode is described by a Hierarchical Colored PetriNets(HCPN). Based on the model, we propose a two-phase grid task scheduling algorithm, andapply Colored Timed Petri Net to describing the two-phase grid task scheduling algorithm.What’s more, The performance of Petri Net is analyzed by reachable task graph constructionalgorithm of Petri Net. In the end, we analyze a simple example and give a best grid taskscheduling plan.
     Finally, we construct a P2P module based on CGSP of ChinaGrid and realize a gridplatform integrated P2P mode. At the same time, Grid Resource Vision and Analysis System(GVAS) is designed and accomplished under this grid environment. Based on the above, theGAA algorithm is carried out on the platform, and GVAS monitors the whole process. Theresults of analysis agree with the conclusions of the paper.
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