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钩端螺旋体病(Leptospirosis,钩体病)世界范围内广泛分布的人畜共患病。问号钩端螺旋体(Leptospira interrogans,问号钩体)是造成钩体病的主要致病菌。最近研究表明,吞噬作用在宿主固有免疫系统抵抗钩体感染中起到了重要作用,且问号钩体可以逃避吞噬细胞的杀伤作用。然而,该过程中问号钩体的宿主适应性变化尚未可知。
     为了研究致病性钩体与宿主固有免疫互作过程中的分子机理,我们采用高密度基因芯片和比较基因组学方法研究了问号钩体赖型赖株56601在感染巨噬细胞系过程中的转录组学变化。结果表明,问号钩体在接触细胞过程中迅速调控了许多生化途径的基因表达,涉及碳源代谢,能量产生,脂类代谢,信号传导,转录与翻译,抗氧化,以及外膜蛋白等。含血红素的过氧化氢酶基因(katE)显著上调4-7倍,说明该酶可能是对抗宿主氧化杀伤的的主要功能基因。另外,多个主要外膜蛋白的基因,如ompLl, lipL32, lipL41 lipL48, ompL47等,在接触巨噬细胞的过程中显著下调10-50倍,这与先前动物模型中分离钩体的外膜蛋白定量研究结果一致。本研究进一步用免疫杂交方法验证了这些外膜蛋白在蛋白水平的持续下调。最后,结合比较基因组和基因组更新注释,本研究重新定义分类了钩体转录因子基因家族,并发现OmpR家族主要转录因子基因LB333的表达与主要外膜蛋白基因协同调控,初步说明该因子可能参与主要外膜蛋白的调控。
     钩端螺旋体病(Leptospirosis,钩体病)是世界范围内广泛存在的热带病,尤其在湿热的热带和亚热带地区较为流行。致病性钩端螺旋体(Pathogenic Leptospira)通过粘膜或者伤口感染宿主后,迅速进入血流并扩散到肺,肝,肾和其他组织器官。不同致病性钩体感染宿主的临床症状复杂,包括眼结膜充血,腹泻,黄疸,肾衰和脑膜炎等。强致病性钩体,如问号钩体(Leptospira interrogans)等,所造成急性感染能导致严重的器官损伤。其中严重肺出血的致死率高达15%。
     双曲钩端螺旋体(Leptospira biflexa)的转录调控系统较伯氏疏螺旋体(Borrelia burgdoriferi)更为复杂,主要表现为基因组较大,编码100多个特异性转录因子(specific TF).双曲钩体没有非特异性Sigma S (RpoS)转录因子,所以Sigma N (Sigma54, RpoN)转录因子可能在转录调控中起到了更大的作用。但由于钩体特异性转录因子较多,钩体RpoN在转录调控中的作用可能与伯氏疏螺旋体的RpoN大不相同。
     钩体病(Leptospirosis)是世界范围内广泛分布的人畜共患病。问号钩体(Leptospira interrogans)是造成该传染病的主要致病菌。目前,致病性钩体仍然缺乏有效的基因操作手段,且其结构生物学研究尚未开展,所以该致病菌的分子生物学特性和该全球性公共疾病的致病机理尚不明了。本研究采用低温电镜技术(Cryo-electron tomography, Cryo-ET)比较分析致病性问号钩体和腐生性双曲钩体的精细结构,揭示了钩体的一些生物学新特性和可能的致病机理。问号与双曲钩体的主要区别是两者有不同含量的LPS成分。这初步证明了钩体LPS含量在不同血清型之间差别很大的推论。钩体独特的胞质纤维成分可能是决定钩体特有的螺旋状形态的骨架。冰冻活钩体的DNA成分在柱状细胞内呈紧密束状存在,折叠的间隙约为3.3nm。另外,本研究也揭示了双曲钩体特有的甲基接收蛋白结构,钩体特有的顶端“帽子”结构,和钩体鞭毛马达的高精细结构。这些新发现不仅阐明了钩体的独特的结构和形态,也为研究钩体与宿主互作过程中的感染机制奠定了基础。
Leptospira interrogans is the major causative agent of leptospirosis, the most widespread zoonosis in the world. Recent studies show that phagocytosis plays an important role in the innate immune response to Leptospira infection, and L. interrogans can evade the killing of host phagocytes. However, little is known about the host adaptation of L. interrogans in this process.
     To better understand the molecular mechanisms during the initial interaction of pathogenic Leptospira and host innate immunity, we employed high-density microarray and comparative genomic approaches detecting transcriptomic changes in L. interrogans Serovar Lai Strain Lai 56601 using macrophage-derived cell models. Our results showed that upon interaction with host cells, L. interrogans dramatically altered expression of many genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, lipid metabolism, signal transduction, transcription, translation, oxygen tolerance and outer membrane protein profile. Expression of the heme-containing catalase gene(katE) was significantly up-regulated, suggesting catalase may contribute to resisting the oxidative pressure of the macrophage. Furthermore, several major outer membrane protein (OMP) genes (e.g., ompLl, lipL32, lipL41, lipL48 and ompL47) were dramatically down-regulated (10-50 folds) upon interaction with macrophages, consistent with previous observations that OMPs are regulated in vivo. The persistent down-regulations of representative OMPs, including OmpLl, LipL32 and LipL41, were confirmed by immunoblotting. Lastly, to gain initial insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying differential gene expression in L. interrogans, we re-defined the putative transcriptional factors (TF) present in the genome and identified the major OmpR TF gene (LB333) is concurrently regulated with the down-regulated major OMP genes, suggesting a potential role of LB333 in regulation of these OMPs.
     This is the first report on transcriptional response of pathogenic Leptospira to host innate immunity and systemic analysis of TFs present in the Leptospira genomes. Alterations of the leptospiral OMP profile up interaction with host antigen-presenting cells (APC) provide critical information for selecting candidates as vaccine targets. Global surveys of the transcriptome primarily reveal the immune evasion strategies of L. interrogans in the early stage of infection and the potential TF vital for the reduction of the major OMPs.
     Leptospirosis is an important tropical disease around the world, particularly in humid tropical and subtropical countries. The pathogenic Leptospira can infect human through mucous membrane or abrasions in the skin, penetrate rapidly into blood stream, and diffuse into liver, lung, kidney and other organs. The clinical symptoms of different pathogenic Leptospira strains are complicated and complex, including hemorrhage, diarrhea, jaundice, severe renal impairment, and aseptic meningitis, etc. The high virulent strain, for example, Leptospira interrogans acutely infect human and cause severe organs failure. The mortality of the severe lung hemorrhage reach up to 15%.
     Recently, the innate immunity had been verified to be important for the host to response to the acute infection of leptospirosis. Pathogenic Leptospira can resist the phagocytosis and killing of macrophage, induce the apoptosis of macrophage. As one of the major immune cell of innate immunity, mature macrophage can phagocytize and kill pathogens, process and present antigens for adaptive immunity system, and secret a series of cytokines and chemokines to regulate host immune response. Leptospira interrogans was also found to survive and replicate in human macrophage, but was killed in murine macrophage, which may partially contribute the different severity of chronic infection in reservoir hosts and acute infection in human. To data, approaches to studying the capacity of pathogenic Leptospira to provoke macrophage response had been limited to individual genes and limited pathways. It is also expected to find more activated inflammatory genes and signaling pathways in macrophage infected by pathogenic Leptospira.
     In this study, we employed whole genome gene expression microarray and GO/KEGG gene function database analyzing the different responses of murine and human macrophages to pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain Lai 56601. The comparative microarray results partially revealed the different innate immune responses between chronic infection in reservoir hosts and acute infection in humans. The gene regulations in antigen process and presentation of human cells are much less than those of murines. The key component of complement pathway, C3, was only significantly up-regulated in murine cells, which may contribute the complement activation process during the early stage of the infection in murine host. The CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator genes were significantly up-regulated, which strongly supported our previous results that the caspase-8/3 pathway plays an important role in apoptosis.
     It is very difficult to reveal the infection mechanism of leptospirosis, mainly due to the facts that the clinical symptoms of leptospirosis are complex, as well as the leptospiral components are complicated. This study revealed some transcriptional differences of the murine and human macrophage cell lines infected by L. interrogans, which set the foundation for further study on the innate immune response to leptospiral infection.
     The gene regulation system of Leptospira biflexa is much more complicated than that of Borrelia burgdoriferi, mainly due to the fact that L. biflexa has a large genome and more than 100 specific transcription factors (TF). There is no alternative Sigma S (RpoS) homolog in the genome of L. biflexa, which suggests that the Sigma N (Sigma54, RpoN) factor may play an important role in the gene regulation. However, the function of the RpoN of L. biflexa may be quite different from that of Borrelia burgdoriferi because L. biflexa has lots of specific TF.
     The RpoN gene of L. biflexa was inactivated by the homologous recombination gene knock method in this study. Then, the gene regulation profile of RpoN was analyzed by whole genome microarray. The RpoN of L. biflexa mainly regulated the genes of nitrogen metabolism, which is similar with RpoN function of the research model, Escherichia coli. The RpoN mutant utilized much less Tween-80 lipid component than the wild type. The Cryo-ET structural analysis and specific Nile red staining revealed that the RpoN can not synthesize the Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) storage, which may be associated with the microarray data that RpoN regulated the nitrogen utilize genes. In addition, the death rate of RpoN mutant in pure water is always higher than that of the wild type.
     This is the first molecular leptospiral research that an important alternative TF was inactivated by the target gene knock method. L. biflexa RpoN mutant lost the ability of synthesizing PHB storage and the high survivability in pure water, which indicated that leptospiral RpoN is essential for the resistant ability in low nutriment. Considering that the Sigma TF system of L. biflexa is almost similar with that of pathogenic L. interrogans, it is possible that the RpoN of L. interrogans is also essential for in vitro survivability and transmission.
     Leptospira interrogans is the primary causative agent of the most widespread zoonotic disease, leptospirosis. Despite its significance in global public health, the molecular biology and pathogenesis of L. interrogans are poorly understood, largely due to the lack of robust genetic techniques and in-depth structural insight of this pathogen. In this study, cryo-electron tomography was utilized to compare pathogenic and saprophytic species and uncover the unique biological and pathogenic features of Leptospira spp. A major difference between L. interrogans and L. biflexa is located at the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) layer, providing direct evidence that LPS varied considerably among leptospiral serovars. Novel periplasmic filaments might function as "skeleton" of the characteristic helical morphology. Bacterial DNA fingerprints captured in living organisms indicate that intracellular DNA forms tightly packed bundles (with~3.3nm spacing) in the middle of cylindrical body. A novel chemotaxis receptor array, a unique "hat" at cell end, as well as high resolution structure of in situ flagellar motor, provide not only the structural insights into the unique morphology of Leptospira spp. but also the plausible mechanism on attaching and penetrating mammalian cells during the spirochete-host interaction.
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