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Various surface structures can be fabricated based on colloidal lithographysuch as nanoring, nanowire, nanocone and nanowell and so on. These structurescan be applied in many subjects including antireflection, surface wetting, sensorsand energy-related areas. Their surface features can be precisely and easilycontrolled.
     In this dissertation, we have fabricated various structures by combiningcolloidal lithography with other techniques such as reactive ion etching and KOHchemical etching. The surface features including height, period and morphologyare modulated to optimize their functions. First, Biomimetic silicon nanocones(SiNC) array with controllable photo-absorption ability has been obtained andused in laser desorption/ionization process. Successful detection of smallmolecules and real urine glucose can be performed on the optimized SiNC array.Second, multiscale corrugated SiNC array have been created to achieve excellentantireflection performance and superhydrophobic property by twice polystyrenespheres masked etching. With the multiscale corrugated arrangement,sub-wavelength structures with coloumn shape and low aspect ratio can alsoexhibit excellent antireflection property. Third, inverted silicon pyramidal pitsarray have been obtain with the SAM-masked KOH etching, which is a templateto fabricate surface-enhanced Raman spectrometry (SERS) substrate. The transferred Ag pyramids possess excellent Raman enhancement as well as highhomogeneity (a substate) and reproducibility (different substrates).
     In summary, our goal is to fabricate novel nanostructures based ontraditional colloidal lithography. More importantly, the fabricating route should bethe way to improve their functions.
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