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背景与目的 高血压病为临床常见病与高发病,其发病机理仍未完全
     方法 3月龄的雄性 Wistar大鼠 100只分为四组:(l)冷刺激组(28
    予冷刺激(4上 2 oC,每天 4小时)及高盐饮食(8%,G/G);()高盐组
    分析,其中正常组 119个克隆在 nr中有明显的同源序列,同源性均在 90%
    以上,占 51.7%,被认为是己知基因;95个克隆在 dbEST中有明显的同
    dbEST均未发现同源序列,被认为是新基因片段,占 7%。而卒中组 126
    基因表达明显下调0 刀1人
     3.线粒体基因3243位点多态性:BSp 1201(G”GGCCC)酶切PCR
    未见 2个条带。说明不能被 BSp 120切开。
    组 119个克隆被认为是已知基因,占引尸%;95个克隆被认为是已被发
Background Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular
     diseases, its pathogenic mechanism is still unclear. Hypertension is considered
     a complex disease with significant genetic and environmental components that
     interact to play a role in blood pressure variation, and hypertension is now as a
     polygenic disease with complexities such as "gene-gene" and "invironment-
     gene" interactions. In China, the incidence of cerebrovascular accidents is
     significantly increased in winter. Moreover, there is such heterogeneity
     concerning the different responses of blood pressure to dietary salt intake,
     there are sensitive individuals who respond to a high sodium intake by an
     increase of blood pressure and others who do not. Clinical and epidemiological
     studies have provided strong evidence for the relationship between
     hypertension and stroke. Stroke is a common consequence of hypertension and
     a complex disorder caused by a combination of genetic and environmental
     factors. In some previous studies, environmental risk factors (cold stress plus
     salt loading) induced hypertension rats were used as the model. Investigation
     in our laboratory has revealed that high salt diet and cold stress can cause
     blood pressure elevation in the 2nd and 3rd week post exposure, and invoke
     changes of plasma RAAS levels, AT1 expression and [Ca2+] and NO/NOS
     system in vascular smooth muscle cells.
     Recently, we established a hypertensive model without surgical or
     pharmacological intervention which produced a complication of stroke, and
     found that only 10-17% Wistar rats had stroke-like episodes. These results
     suggested that there may be exist genetic susceptibility. Past effort has mainly
     engaged in several candidate genes due to the methodological limitation, there
     is still no reports that at the large-scale gene screening to explore possible
     genetic sensitivity to stroke particularly related to environmental induced-
     The heart also is one of the hypertensive target organs. Hypertension can
     produce severely consequences such as myocardium ischemia, arrhythmia,
     heart failure and sudden cardiac death. The physiological function of myocytes
     strongly depends on mitochondria because of its high energy demand. The
     mutation at 3243 locus of mitochondrial DNA can lead to many human
     Purposes The present study was designed: I .to explore the role of
     environmental factors in the development and maintenance of hypertension. 2.
     to establish a hypertensive model without surgical or pharmacological
     intervention. 3. to identify the differential gene expression pattern between the
     two populations, namely control and stroke group. 4. to study the mutation at
     3243 locus of mtDNA in the hypertensives and controls using restriction
     fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).
     Methods One hundreds male, 2-3-month-old Wistar rats were randomly
     divided into 4 groups : l.Cold-treated group(C, n28): animals were exposed
     to cold (4?0C) for 4 hours per day for 8 weeks; 2. High salt-treated group (5,
     n=28): animals were given 8% NaCI diets for 8 weeks. 3. Cold-treated + high
     salt-treated group (CS, n=28): animals were given 8% NaCl diets for 8 weeks
     besides cold exposure. 4. Control group (N, n=16). Systolic blood
     pressure(SBP, Tail-cuff technique) and heart rate were measured weekly in 4
     groups during the experiment. A new technique, suppression subtractive
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