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The continuing deterioration of the ecological environment has threatened humanhealth and survival, therefore, the human concerns on environmental issues have promptedmore and more countries attach importance to the construction of environmental citizens.The economy of Dongguan City has been developing rapidly since the reform and openingup, but the environmental protection has been ignored. Dongguan City is gathered for thelabor-intensive industries, and the population ratio of resident population and floatingpopulation reaches1:3.5. Diversity, mixed and complex of population increase thedifficulty of participating the processing of environmental protection for people. Therefore,the important research direction in Dongguan City are how to establish a good mode forall people involved in environmental protection and how to build environmental civilsociety, which has become a major task of building a happy Dongguan and harmonioussociety for current and future Dongguan.
     Based on the literature review and empirical background, this paper states theconcepts of environmental citizens and environmental civil society, builds a theoreticalanalysis model of the environmental civil society, points out that the environmental civilsociety is made up of the level of consciousness, the behavioral level, organizational level,system level, and constructs these theories of Dongguan environmental civil society fromthe four dimensions of awareness of ethics, personal behavior, the behavior of others andthe overall social atmosphere.
     Stratified sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey of4272samples in33towns of Dongguan, in which2905questionnaires are valid. According tothese questionnaires, this paper investigates and analyzes Dongguan’s current civiccharacteristics, civic awareness of environmental protection, the behavior of citizenawareness of environmental protection, environmental protection situation, residents andsocial environmental education, effectiveness of the environmental protection,environmental protection facilities, and summarizes the status of the characteristics of thecitizens of Dongguan and Dongguan environmental citizens classification.
     Through analyzing the environmental citizens classification andcitizens behavior bythe logistic model, this paper concludes that the factors of age, gender, local residents orthe transient, occupational character, citizen income have significant effect on citizens 'environmental behavior. However, the marital status and residential district before18years old was not significant. The education level indicates no significance because of theproportion of releasing questionnaire possibly.
     This article applies structural equation model for the influencing factors ofenvironmental citizens’ construction and the interaction path and concludes thatenvironmental behavior of others has positive effect to environmental awareness; howeverthe effect of increasing environmental public service is not significant; the others’evaluation of environmental behavior has insignificant effect to individual environmentalbehavior; though the degree of environmental public service satisfaction has significanteffect to the change of environmental behavior.; moreover the service of environmentaleducation and identification could change citizen preference to improve environmentalbehavior; the influencing factors of environmental awareness and environmental behaviorare different, and the relationship was not obvious between each other.
     Finally, the article gives main ideas and policy recommendations of Dongguanestablishment of environmental civil society, from public services, environmentalparticipation, growth of social organizations, civic behavior, Dongguan establishment ofenvironmental civil society ideas and policy recommendations.
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