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The technology advancement that changes with each passing day has brought the telecom industry into a brand-new era. The immobile telephone and mobile telephone have become indispensable necessity in people's life. With the fast development of PAS in our country, it requires urgently the researches about the PAS's marketing operation. This paper focuses on the PAS's businesses of the Company of Telecommunications in Hunan Province, probing into its marketing operation stratagem thoroughly.
    The introduction dissertates the study's necessity, feasibility, purpose and significance, also summarizes the studies status in quo inside and outside nation.
    The second chapter expounds the concept and characters of PAS, and introduces its developing actuality in our country and outside.
    The third chapter investigates the marketing operation of PAS. Above all, this chapter analyses PAS's marketing operation environment, the customer and producer markets, and competitors. At the same time, it points out the opportunities and challenges that PAS comes up against in Hunan Province, and then indicates the problems consisting in the development of PAS in Hunan Province.
    The fourth chapter puts forward the game model of marketing competition, and exerts the static and dynamic game theories and methods to discuss the problems of whether the corporations should enter into the markets or not which still outside, along with how to enter into the markets
    The last chapter discourses upon the implementation of marketing operation strategies of PAS, putting forward a series of steps and measures to insure carrying into execution successfully. In particular, this chapter points out that the Company of Telecommunications in Hunan Province should utilize the person with ability and network predominance that have already possessed to set down the marketing strategies. Only by doing so, could the company improve the general competitive strength.
    The epilogue sums up the foregoing study outcomes synoptically. Along with the deeper progress of the reform of telecom industry in China, and the competition pattern has come into being, the behaviors of dealers scramble for market has incandesced. The Company of Telecommunications in Hunan Province
    processes of giant network, band, technique and talents advantages. So it should optimize the network that has hold, making use of the network resources effectively and improving the ratio of using. At the same time, it needs to wash out the outdated business properly, run after the new techniques and look for the new operation rising dot. Meanwhile, the telecom industry in Hunan Province should treat the change of value chain in this trade exactly, and deal with the relationship with the content suppliers and integration plants properly. If based on the consumer requirements and service costs, providing good service on different levels selectively, will PAS in Hunan Province develop into the operation that have the most powerful competitive strength, and achieving the mutual win situation.
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