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At present, the high-speed growth of housing supply is hard to meet the increasinglyneeds of residences, however, the huge scale of existing house are in the plight of agingstructure and deteriorative function. In the context of sustainable development, thehousing regeneration becomes the necessity.
     Housing regeneration is an engineering activity to promote the housing value andfulfill the people’s living demand with the systematic method. It includes the housingreconstruction with the core of function transform, the housing revive with the premise ofculture, the regeneration with the stage of revitalization, rehabilitation and growth. Theexisting studies of housing regeneration have already obtained abundant progress, but thecore of study, the interaction of housing, environment and people, is actually unable tosolve perfectly. It is necessary to introduce one kind of new theory which canfundamentally solve this interaction, can use the mathematical formula to measure thiskind of interaction effectively, that is the field theory. The contents are arranged asfollows:
     (1) Research of architectural field elements based on field theory
     From the view of philosophy, the assumption of existing architectural field is putforward, the analysis frame of architectural field is built based on the field theory. Thefield power and influencing factors are analyzed. The empirical study on the formula ofarchitectural field power shows the existing architectural field. The study builds thepreliminary framework of building field theory, defines the building field again, andanalyzes the characteristics. Building on the previous researches of other disciplines, thethree basic concepts in architectural field are defined, including architectural field power,field intensity and field potential energy.
     (2) Establishment and analysis of housing field power model
     Based on architectural field theory, the housing field power is formulated, the systemof influence indicators is also built in the foundation of housing field characteristic.According to the housing performance (V_i), housing demand (D_j), distance (R_(ij)) and theregion environmental effect factor (k), the power of architectural field can be calculated. The power can reflect the influence degree between housing and people. In the long term,the housing field power is the decreasing function of the time. The evolution of housingperformance, space distribution and residential differentiation is the result of theinteraction of the four factors guaranteed to field force larger than1.
     (3) Research of urban housing regeneration mechanism, benchmark and ways basedon housing field power model
     Under the influence of time and factors, the fading and aging of housing system arethe results of decrease of the field power constantly. Therefore, the project activity canpromote the housing regeneration through enhancing k,V_i,D_j, reducingR_(ij)andincreasingF_(ij). The benchmark of housing regeneration is also built from the value territoryof housing field power. There are four ways to promote housing regeneration, that is,inheritance protection, adaptable transformation, strongly repair and reconstruction. Theseways can provide the scientific basis for housing regeneration practice. The researchanalyzed the restraint mechanism of the government, market, society and technology inthe process of housing regeneration.
     (4) Study on urban housing regeneration case
     The case of characteristic neighbor regeneration in Qingshan of Wuhan is studied.Through the investigation16neighbors, the resident field power is calculated. Accordingto the neighbor questionnaires, the ways of housing regeneration are decided, the waysalso show the rationality of housing field power model.
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