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China economic reform and opening up till now has been30years. Nowaways, China is in a very important position in the international market with all aspects. Of course, the China banking system developmemt is not only effect China marketing but also the world economic system. After China joined WTO, the banking market in China is more and more competitive which include both domestic and overseas banking competition. Especially overseas banks have more experiences in management, credit card, loan, customer service… and so on than domestic banks. Therefore, gain the competitive advantage in the market is the core strategy for China's domestic banking. We have to admit that our banking system has some problems in debt, management, operation, and service field. Now, we are in the international market due to the economic opening up, but our banking service is not up to the real market. The banking employees are not providing good service with smiling most of time, they are not doing customer first because they were not trained in this way before. Now, banking owners realize that customer is first in the free market, customer means profit. They need to have the strategic plan to gain the competitive advantage, build up the brand image, and increase customer satisfication to the customers.
     The main purpose of the study is to mention the importance of service branding in banking industry. The increase of brand equity will benefit banks to gain more customers and rise their brand image and loyality, of course to penetrate the market in a short time. During the past decades, professiors have evulated and proved how brand equity benefits banks and proved those brand equity models to the study. China professiors are also studying in these20years with good results already. However. China has more studied in the manufacture filed more than banking field, which are some in the same theories but still some in the different stories. Therefore, the study will focus on brand equity of banking industry to observe more value points for banks to increase the brand equity and find our more effects and paths.
     In conclusion, the study will start the point of view from service brand to discuss the service brand equity of the banking industry in China now. and see both banking service behaviors and consumers'behaviors to analysis how to improve the service brand equity in banking industry. Base on the data analysis and technical support to improve those assumptions are correct to the banking industry. The consulsion is to provice advices and activities to banks for increasing the service brand equity to the bank and offering good service to gain customers.
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