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Since the last century, America has been the dominant nation in the area of world economy andforeign trade, and a set of powerful and flexible foreign trade mechanism are built. Legislation ofthe management of foreign trade and endeavor of foreign trade enterprise getting competitiveadvantage through competitive strategy are the main characteristics of American foreign tradesystem. China has made great progress in foreign trade during the last twenty years, and hascontributed to rapid economic development. Unification and centralization of management offoreign trade and various framework of foreign trade enterprise are the main characteristics ofChina foreign trade system. On the whole, there are different mechanism of foreign trade systembetween China and America.
    With the development of trade between China and America, some issues related to Sino-UStrade frequently appear. They have important impact on economic development of each countryand economic relationship between them. Moreover it maybe greatly affects the politicalrelationship between these two countries, even the global political and economic pattern.Therefore it has theoretical and practical meaning for study of two country's foreign trade systemcomparatively.
    The title of this dissertation is comparative study of Chinese and American foreign trade system.It consists of five chapters. Chapter one reviews the course of Chinese and American foreign tradedevelopment. It briefly analyzes the main phases and characteristics of foreign trade developmentbetween two countries. Chapter two simply compares foreign trade development of two countriesthrough international trade theories in existence. Chapter three completely introduces andcompares the organization and authority distribution of foreign trade management system betweentwo countries. It also studies the difference of foreign trade management system between twocountries in combination with characteristics of their economic system. Chapter four gives maindifference and characteristics of foreign trade legal system between two countries (especiallyChinese and American foreign trade statute) through analyzing the formation and evolution oftheir foreign trade legal system. Chapter five looks back to the evolution of foreign tradeenterprises between two countries. The effect of establishment and implementation ofcomparatively competitive strategy along with building up of competitive advantage on Chineseand American foreign trade enterprises are researched.
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