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    30.38%。年均递减率为二.75%。森林覆盖率达25.90%,较 1998年增加 18石0%。
The relative stability of ecosystem is indispensable to the existence and development of human being. And how to stabilize it and promote the positive cycle and healthy development matters a lot for our future. So it is all the more important to carry out researches on the agroecological restoration. Taking Fengjie Migrant Resettlement Area as an example, this paper mainly discusses the esablishtnent of the systematic analysis model of agroecological restoration and its application.
     I. Defining agroecological restoration. Agroecological restoration is a course to coordinate the development among human, creatures and natural envionment, resources; among ecosystem and economic system; And the following principles are included:Regarding agriculture as a ecological, economic compound system; on the basis of the relations of mutual connection mutual reliance, mutual restriction and interaction between agroecologieal system and economic system; By means of modern science and technology to optimize the combination, division, structure and layout in agroecological system. Its meaning includes: (l)Its target is to pursue the coordination among ecological effect, economic effect and social effect; (2)It purpose is to improve the productive rate. stability of the system; (3)It is realized by artificial control.
     2.Determied to start with the agricultural system itself and the external envioment in defining the model range of the agroecological restoration system: Agricultural system should focus oii the analysis of land utilization flat structure, growing structure, system stereo-structure and farmers?household economic structure; On the other hand, the problem of external envionment mainly deal with the replenishment of material, energy and information to the agricultural system.
     3. Laying great emphasis on the analysis of the current situation in Fengjie Migrant Resettlement Area, for the purpose of establishing the systematic analysis model of agroecological restoration strategy and fixing the model range. Following problems are discovered through the analysis: (l)unreasonable land utilization structure, growing structure. household economic structure. etc. (2)The Three Gorges Project has an even worse effect on its agricultural system. (3)such environmental problems as water and soil erosion, man-made polluction and drought become more obvious.
     4. Carrying out a step-by-step analysis of the agroecological restoration system according to the present situation in Fengjie Migrant Resettlement Area and surrounding the purpose of agroecological restoration and its target, approachesarid measures. the graded analysis model is established by means of graded analysis method, which determines the decisive factors of agroecological restoration. The model includes A~ B~ C. D levels. Level
    A is the level of purpose, and it aims at improving the material and culture life level of the broad sense peasants in the reservoir area of the Three Gorges, improving the ecological environment, and benefiting the construction of the Three Gorges reservoir and the highly efficient continual function. Level B is the level of target and it includes three elements:
    improving social, environment, developing broad-sense agriculture and improving natural environment. Level C and D are the levels of approachesand measures. Level C includes 0 elements such as improving agricultural environment. Level D includes 38 elements (level of decision) such as the secondry industry and tertiary industry. By constructing matrix of being compared between two elements and the single arrangement and total arrangement of the levels, we decide the main decision variable of the agroe~ological restoration (the bigger one of the value of the total arrangement). Because the decision variable decided by the model of the level analysis, mainly the macroscopic variable, is not easy to be underwent, the passage undergoes the regulation and control of the decision. We take the output of the grain, the value of the planting and the forestry, the figure of th
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