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Since the change of our social and economic pattern, the improvement of ruralresidential environment has been neglected for a long time because of the change ofpeople's thoughts and national policies, which are centered by economic developmentand influenced by dual economic system. Now in rural areas, on the one side, thestandard of living is improving, on the other side, lots of garbage and sewage can notbe disposed effectively and basic establishments can not be built in time, which makerural residential environment worsening. Eventually people realize it is time toimprove rural residential environment.
     At present, a new round of general land use plan and socialistic rural constructionis going on in the whole country, which is undoubtedly a good chance for theimprovement of rural residential environment. Through theory research and caseanalysis, this paper studies the planning thoughts and measures that may be active tothe improvement of rural residential environment, and studies further their implementand system guarantee.
     There are close connections between general land use plan and the improvementof rural residential environment, so if they are separated, it will waste resources andinfluence the course and effect of the construction of rural residential environment.This paper believes that general land use plan should consider sufficiently residentialenvironment, emphasize ecological thoughts and make continuous and harmoniousdevelopment as our goal after studying the relationship between general land use planand the improvement of rural residential environment.
     This paper can be divided into the following parts. First, this paper introduces theresearch background, meaning, contents and methods, which become the basis of thefollowing analysis. Second, this paper studies the current theories and the realisticmeanings of general land use plan and the improvement of rural residentialenvironment on the basis of analyzing their macro-background. Third, this paperstudies mainly the relationship between general land use plan and the improvement ofrural residential environment, and explains the influencing factors and reasons ofgeneral land use plan to the improvement of rural residential environment.
     Fourth, taking Fushun County as an example, on the basis of analyzing its presentsituation, this paper analyzes the thoughts, measures and steps that may be active to the improvement of its residential environment, and prospects the future of itsimprovement, which are from the point of the new round of general land use planview and taking the improvement of rural residential environment as the goal. At last,this paper brings forward relative suggestion on the basis of the above theoretical andcase analysis.
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