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Today, enterprise application on Internet is developing quickly and some kinds
     of services are switching to base on Internet. So more and more enterprises hope to
     develop application system on Internet quickly . At the same time ,they hope that
     their system can extend and update easily .And that the tradition developing mode
     limits the efficiency of software developing and makes it difficulty to update and
     upgrade the old systems ,because lots of works have to be done and system can抰 run
     normally and the services are inevitably interrupted during the process of updating
     old system. CORBA ,the technology about distributed components , is growing up to
     solve these problems nicely. We analyzed the recently technology of CORBA~. Java
     and Web, implemented a style of integration of CORBA .~. Java and Internet .Based on
     this integration we developed a platform used to support developing application
     system on Internet . This platform adopts the three tiers architecture and The
     components developed by using this platform are in accordance with the CORBA
     standards, which makes it easy to extend and update the application system
     seamlessly. It is befter than the old C/S developing mode. This paper also introduces
     the whole structure of the platform and the outline of some modules and our future
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