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The skeleton network of Chinese freeway is basically formed with the increasingof mileage, which makes the dimensions of freeway is larger than most countries allover the world. With the transform of key point from construction to operationmanagement, the freeway industry mainly focuses on how to protect highway safety,smooth, fast and comfortable. With the increasingly sophisticated freeway networkand rapid growth traffic volume, freeway operations is under a more complexenvironment, which makes it is difficult to manage. In order to deal with emergencyincident in a timely and effective manner, the highway emergency responding systemcan help the rescue staffs work efficiently to reduce casualties and economic losses.Emergency respond is an important part of the highway management, which isimportant to promote the sustainable development of highway system.
     Freeway emergency respond system involving emergency management theory,disaster science, traffic safety, synergetic theories, systems engineering and othercomplex scientific theories. Starting with the basic concepts and framework of theoverall process, the emergency incident is classified with incident status and severityby analyzing the causes of the emergencies incident. The duty of highwayemergency response agencies and their working process were then analyzed to obtainthe procedure of freeway emergency response. An improved linkage organization ofthe emergency responding system and the linkage mechanism are proposed. Basedon the requirements of the emergency responding system, an optimization method forthe layout of information collection point and highway incidents automatic detectionmethod based on multi-layer detection data are proposed. The NSGA-II algorithm isthen applied to optimize the layout of emergency resources point at the limitationconditions. To maximize the effectiveness of emergency resources, a simulatedannealing algorithm is established to solve emergency resources scheduling modelbased on the opportunity cost. To evaluate the freeway emergency respondingsystem, the system reliability model is utilized to evaluate the risk/loss under theemergency program implementation process. The software framework for freewayemergency responding system is also established to adapt to the traffic informationintelligent process.
     The emergency incident is divided into seven types to clear emergencydepartments’ responsibility, which is planning activities, minor accidents, majoraccidents, dangerous goods capsized, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and disasters.On the basis of the analysis of the process of the emergency emergencies, the highway linkage organization system and improved linkage information communicationchannels are designed. The process of emergency responding is utilized as the cluein the system. The process can be divided into information collection andnotification, incident response, arrived and traffic control, traffic surveys and rescueimplementation, troubleshooting, maintenance, traffic restoration and accidentsummarize.
     For the purpose of detecting freeway emergency incident effectively, ahierarchical traffic information collection point layout mode is established based onthe requirements of traffic information collection. Taking into account theinformation collection point construction sequence and functions, the informationcollection point should be constructed step by step. The optimized results should beadjusted based on the OD estimation, shockwave theory and fuzzy clustering. Themulti-objective optimization model is applied to adjust the layout of informationcollection point dynamically. Then, the McMaster algorithm improved to detect thefreeway emergency incident automatically.
     According to the target of freeway emergency respond, the optimization modelsfor allocation and scheduling of the emergency rescue resources are studied. Theoptimization method for the layout of single emergency rescue point andmulti-emergency rescue points are discussed theoretically. The models are improvedbased the limitations in real world. The NSGA-II algorithm is selected to solve themodel. After reviewing the modeling idea, all the emergency resource schedulingalgorithms are generalized by rescue costs. Then, the algorithms based on directcosts, potential costs and opportunity costs are analyzed respectively. In this way,the simulated annealing algorithm is utilized to solve emergency resource schedulingmodel. A virtual emergency resource scheduling example using Xi’an freewaynetwork is tested with the proposed method.
     To evaluate the performance of the highway emergency, a reliability analysismodel for emergency relief is established. The freeway emergency respondingsystem reliability is related with the system itself and the freeway network. As a keyparameter in the system, the reliability of the rescue time is analyzed separately.Then, the risk of incident and final loss by the implementation of the selected respondscenario are discussed based on the analysis of system reliability.
     The software framework of the freeway emergency respond system is putforward based on the analysis of the characteristics of highway emergency respond.The logical relationships between the various parts in the software are discussed firstly. Then, by considering network linkage mechanism, information platformtechnology, rescue resource allocation and scheduling, emergency respond fordangerous goods, the physical framework of the system is established. The decisionsupport system framework is also discussed.
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