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The Capitalist Democratic Republic in China, which is called Minguo sometimes, lasted from 1912 to 1949.During these years, wars happened so frequently that the current political situation was quite turbulent, and the education, especially the moral education system had to change itself because of that. This paper will research on the moral education system of middle schools and primary schools in China from 1912 to 1949 from the four following fields: The changes of the educational aims and their effects on moral education; The curriculum standards of moral education; The complexly organized system of moral education; The management system of moral education.
    The changes of the educational aims reflected the changes of the social economics and politics to a great extent. In 1912 the educational aim was initially established as Developing All-round Education, which was to emphasizing on citizens' moral education with the help of citizens' intellectual education and physical education, and perfecting it with aesthetic education; Then back to Feudal Education Aim in 1915;And finally in 1927 the Educational Aim for Nationality, Civil Rights, and the People's livelihood was established in the whole country. This was a repeated and advanced course, which would definitely have a great effect on moral education.
    The tendency of moral education in 1912-1949 could be reflected from the form about the changes of curriculum standards of education obviously, it was an advanced and adjustable one. The Kuomintang had developed moral education from training,military,sanitation and health since 1927 when the unified government was set up in Nanjing, the educationalists then had quested many methods of moral education.
    During this period there were different educational branches in different regions, which were in the charge of the Educational Department. All the middle schools and primary schools had moral education under different management branches.
    The Self-government of Students, the Grade-dean System and Training System, Directing According to Groups, the Tutor System and the Scout were several important systems about moral education management. The author thinks they are meaningful to today's moral education and this paper will introduce them one by one.
    Trying to have the aid of some experience about the moral education systems during 1912-1949,1 have considered several universal problems in today's middle schools and primary schools at the end of the paper.
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