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玉米丝黑穗病是由丝轴黑粉菌(Sporisorium reilianum)引起的严重威胁玉米产量的主要病害之一。作为我国玉米主产区之一的吉林省,该病也大面积发生,已经成为限制吉林省玉米单产和总产提高的制约因素。采用种子包衣等技术可以减少丝黑穗病的发病,但增加了玉米生产成本和环境压力。选育抗病品种是解决玉米丝黑穗病的经济有效途径,而研究玉米丝黑穗病发病条件并创制抗病育种材料是其重要前提。到目前为止,经我国几代农业科学工作者的努力,对玉米丝黑穗病症状、病原菌、侵染循环、侵染规律等都已研究得比较清楚。然而,对玉米抗丝黑穗病发病条件的关键制约因素研究的却很少,限制了对育种材料的有效鉴定和选择,更缺乏对抗丝黑穗病分子标记辅助育种的应用研究。
Maize head smut is a serious threat to maize production of disease caused by the wire axis black powder bacteria (Sporisorium reilianum). Jilin province as one of the China's major maize-producing areas, Maize head smut also occurred widely, has become the constraints limit of the Jilin maize yield and total output increase. Such as seed coating technology can reduce the incidence of head smut, increasing maize production costs and environmental pressures. The breeding of resistant cultivars is the cost-effective way to solve the maize head smut disease. Therefore, it is necessary to understand head smut disease conditions and establish resistant breeding materials. So far, the efforts of several generations of agricultural scientists, maize head smut symptoms, pathogen infection cycles, and infection law, have studied more clearly. However, the key constraints of maize resistance to head smut disease conditions are rarely studied, and the effective identification and selection of breeding materials are limited, applied research of marker-assisted breeding against head smut is lacked.
     The QTL position in the Head smut disease resistance is to carry out the premise and basis of molecular marker-assisted breeding. Therefore, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences made cooperation with China Agricultural University to study maize head smut resistance gene meticulous location research and mapping, high resistance to head smut inbred lines Ji1037and susceptible Huangzaosi backcross population were test materials. Resistance genes were mapped on the second chromosome (bin2.09) and fifth (bin5.03) chromosomal region, respectively. Using the new development of six markers, including SNP, CAPS, the STS, narrowed down the target region to170kb between molecular markers STS6and STS8. The total of14molecular markers were developed in this interval. The average physical distance of each tag is only10kb, which is less than0.2cM genetic distance.
     In order to improve the selection efficiency and breeding process of Head Smut resistance and enhance disease resistance breeding of corn in our province, this study is carried out to explore the onset condition which can be controlled and innovate the inoculation technique especially in Hainan on the basis of knowing the key constraints of incidence conditions for Head Smut. The result will Provide support for the Corn Head Smut Resistance QTL mapping. At the same time, using the main QTL molecular markers developed by us and China Agricultural University, Combining marker-assisted selection and conventional breeding, making use of the methods of hybrid-backcrossing then self-crossing, molecular marker breeding platform of corn Head Smut resistance will be build. The main results are as follows:
     Based on the study of influence of the different inoculated concentration between maize resistance and susceptible to head smut incidence, when the inoculated concentration reached to0.1%, the infection rate could reach the maximum, and the incidence rate was not increased because of the increase in inoculation concentration (fungus concentration in the soil). That is to say that when the head smut fungus in the soil concentration reached a certain number, the infection rate could reach the maximum immediately, and the incidence rate was not increased because of the increase in fungus concentration in the soil. According to ANOVA analysis it showed significant differences between resistant varieties and susceptible varieties, and there was no differences to the inoculated concentration the head smut incidence. Based on the study of influence of the different planting date effected the incidence rate, that Summer planting can also make maize disease. However, the accuracy of stem pith'DNA was much higher than that of leaf DNA based on the DNA testing on the susceptible variety of different tissues and organs, which means that maize head smut pathogen infection plant organs was selectable. Analysis of maize head smut infection rate and disease incidence rate was different, using specific PCR molecular markers was confirmed.
     Comparison of the incidence rate between the control (normal precipitation) and water stress condition after the5th leaf emergence showed that incidence rate on water stress condition much higher that the control, suggesting that water stress after seeding is one of the major limiting factors in induced maize head smut. Though, we suggested that made possible a more accurate head smut inoculation in Hainan, with simulating control of disease conditions in different places, not only in the north but also in Hainan. Then the success of the inoculated identified in Hainan, provides a new effective method for resistance identification. The inbred lines and hybrid breeding materials in the process of disease resistance identified by the annual quarter into two quarters accelerated the maize resistant to head smut process of breeding.
     This study used of the technology of the hybridization one generation, backcrossing six generation, and self-crossing two generation made a successful switch to education for the Huangzaosi resistance to head smut, and provide the basic materials for the precise positioning of the QTL. After five years, nine generations of selection, we obtained27near-isogenic lines (NILs), from the phenotypic or combining ability, have been very close to Huangzaosi, which resolved the problem of resistant to maize head smut for Huangzaosi in the breeding and production process.
     Making use of the cooperation with the China Agricultural University to develop molecular markers tightly linked to disease resistance QTL, and the use of marker-assisted breeding and hybridization-backcross-self-crossing techniques, in Jilin Province,10inbred lines (Ji853, Ji8902, JV022and so on) were crossed to resistant inbred lines Ji1037by backcrossing and self-crossing, investigating phenotype of offspring material using the artificial inoculation, After hybridization one generation, backcrossing six generation, and self-crossing two generation,We obtained the161pure and disease resistant inbred lines,99.38%has reached middle resistant level, high level occupied77.02%, resulting10convert inbred lines resistance were more than R, and HR was40%.
     Employing the convert lines, we created elite disease resistant cross combination which showed excellent disease resistance. Here, we described the improvement process for Jidan209and Jidan517. Without the change of the premise of the other agronomic traits, utilize of resistant line8902convert Jidan209, more than77%of convert hybrid combinations showed disease resistant,84.6%hybrid combinations increased yield more than10%up to26.7%; Utilize of resistant line JV022convert Jidan517, more than80%of improved hybrid combinations showed disease resistant,62.5%hybrid combinations increased yield more than14%up to23.4%. Utilize of improved line of Ji853improve Jidan209and Jidan517, all convert hybrid combinations showed disease resistant,81.8%hybrid combinations increased yield more than10%up to13.8%and19.9%; Utilize of convert line of Ji853and8902convert Jidan209, more than80%convert hybrid combinations showed disease resistant,93.3%hybrid combinations increased yield more than12%. Using convert10elite disease resistant lines of the effect of hybrids in resistance and yield, parents both resistance was better than single parent. Therefore, these hybrids will remain high resistance and stable yield even if maize head smut occurred widely.
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