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Since the first science and technology industrial zone was established in the world in1951, science and technology industrial zones have been developing rapidly. They have not only created many economic and social benefits, but also drive cities and countries' development. Through the new technology revolution's effect, high-tech industries play an important role in all countries'economic development. Many countries in the world try their best to establish science and technology zone in succession, and put these zones as their important adjustment measure. Establishing science and technology zone becomes a worldwide trend.
     From the1980s, facing the new technology revolution and industrial structure adjustment, China promotes technology innovation and high-tech industries actively, and uses high technology to improve traditional industries. According to China's national condition and foreign countries'experience, China chose to develop high-tech industries through establishing high-tech industry zone. China has set up88national high-tech industry development zones. Those high-tech industry development zones have become the hatch and industrialization base of China's high technology, the important carrier of self-innovation, the powerful engine of the regional economy structure and economic development mode's adjustment, the service platform of international competition, and the front base of high technology industries to grab the commanding heights.
     High-tech industry zones'industrial clusters have many characteristics, such as high specialized production, close connected enterprises, and quickly flowed knowledge, technology and information. It is a new kind of industry organization form, promoting the development of high-tech industry zone and regional innovation. High-tech industries' cluster development is an important strategy in the world. After many years development, China's high-tech industry zones have initially formed an agglomeration development pattern. Research on industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones has academic value as well as practical significance.
     This dissertation systematically researches the development of industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zone. Although there are many academics study on high-tech industry zone and industrial cluster, a special research on the development of industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zone is relatively scarce. On the basis of researching some concepts and theories of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone, this dissertation researches these industrial clusters'social effect, present situation, problems and causes, summarizes the experience of international industrial zones, and puts forward the development ideas and countermeasures.
     Firstly this dissertation studies on the relative concepts and basic theories of industrial clusters in high-tech industry zones. It defines such basic concepts like high-tech enterprise, high-tech industry, high-tech industry zone, industrial cluster, and industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone, analyzes industrial clusters'types and measurements, and researches the characteristics, formation mechanism and development trend of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone.
     This dissertation analyzes the economic effects of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone. These effects mainly include technology innovation effects, cost effects, enterprise production structure optimization effect, enterprise cooperation and complementary effect, and external economic effect. On the basis of evaluating the current situation of industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones, it deeply analyzes its problems and causes.
     This dissertation compares industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones. Through analyzes typical kinds of high-tech industry zones in different areas of China, it researches the commons and characteristics of industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones in establishment model, development path, the improving role and the problems.
     Using examples of the American Silicon Valley, England Cambridge Technology Park, and Japan Tsukuba Science City, this dissertation researches the development of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone in developed countries. Using example of India Bangalore Science and Technology Park, this dissertation researches the development of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone in developing countries. Using examples of South Korea Research and Development Zone, Singapore Kent Science Park, and Taiwan Xinzhu Science Park, this dissertation researches the development of industrial cluster in high-tech industry zone in rising market economy countries and regions. All those can enlighten the development of industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones.
     This dissertation analyzes the development ideas about industrial cluster in China's high-tech industry zones, and puts forward countermeasures in the following aspects: strengthen high-tech enterprises'agglomeration effect in high-tech industry zone, enhance high-tech industries'agglomeration level, construct investment and financing system, bring market into full play, innovate the mechanism, optimize government's function, and perfect policy system.
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