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Cadastral information system, as a mature land information system, has beenapplied to land investigation and delimitation and land registration for a long time.But in other parts of the land business, such as the submission for approval of theconstructive land and the tracking management of land using, the perfect and matureinformation systems have not been established. As a result, it may make seriousdislocation of business computer-aided processing to cause lots of supervision blindspots. As we know, land management starts from cadastre and ends to cadastre.According to this thought, we can take the cadastre as the center to construct amanagement mode, and then develop the named land management business fullfeature information system which can connect all the processes of land businessincluding “Approval, Supplying, Using, Supplement, Supervision and Registration”.This is one of the directions and requirement for the development of the landinformation system.
     However, many problem such as information isolated island, business isolatedisland and lack of the top-level design will be meet in construction of landmanagement business full feature information system. This is also the researchpurpose of the dissertation. Land management business full feature informationsystem ontology architecture, multilayer ontology sharing model and landmanagement business full feature information system application model are putforward after the analysis of the concept model of land management business fullfeature information system which is based on information system architecture, spatialdata organization and management and information system development. Meanwhile,through analyzing land business full feature lifecycle management mode, landmanagement business full feature encoding rules and land management business fullfeature information deductive mechanism in land lifecycle based on the conceptmodels, the key domain model of business full feature in land management isconstructed. Basic design idea, spatial data organization and mathematical model ofthe key domain models have been discussed. Through the application in the project, ithas been proved that the key domain model of business full feature in landmanagement can satisfy the basic demand of land full feature management and has itseffectiveness and practicality.
     The solution for information isolated island and business isolated island need torealize data association and information system coordination. After analyzing the ontology architecture of land management business full feature information system, asan example, cadastre application ontologies are analyzed using ontology analysismethod to make classification and recombination of cadastral ontology concepts sothat cadastre data structure is optimized. This supplies an analysis mode for datamanagement of application ontology. The land lifecycle management model isconstructed based on the multilayer ontology sharing model. Then, we construct theland lifecycle management model and build the association tree of land business fullfeature lifecycle management which supplies technical idea for the organization andmanagement and sharing of land management business full feature information.Business processes are improved to realize the deeply fusion of the spatial data andbusiness approval information. Software development framework based on landmanagement business full feature information system application model and modulebuilding are put forward to supply an implementation mode of land managementbusiness full feature information system based on “One center and four platforms”.The building of key domain model of business full feature in land management isuseful for solving information isolated island and business isolated island, and cangive a theoretical basis and technical support for land informatization.
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