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Urban transportation system is a complex giant system. With economic development, the expansion of the city, urban transport has become increasingly congested, which not only perplex urban residents to travel but also affect the development of city. The booming of the complex network research provides a new perspective for the study of transportation. As a complex network, urban road network topology directly impact on the carrying capacity of the network. People gradually realize that, the traffic network topology has important influence on the traffic flow distribution in the network and the traffic flow distribution depends on the underlying network topology. Therefore, studying the traffic flow distribution in different network topology is very meaningful.
     Firstly, we established two types of correlated network: with community structure and without community structure. Correlated network consists of the assortative network and disassortative network. Through the comparison between assortative, disassortative and uncorrelated networks with and without communities, we can obtain the flow distribution on the networks. We found that the uncorrelated network without community is better to resist congestion than correlated ones without community, while the disassortative network with community is better than other networks with community. The result can be used in city network evaluation, planning, transformation.
     Secondly, we study the cascading failure of the above mentioned network topologies. The studies of cascading failure on correlated networks show that the uncorrelated networks without community structure can be better to resist the cascading failure, however, the disassortative network with communities are better able to resist the cascading failure.
     Finally, we extract the main skeleton of Beijing road network, through calculating and analysis, the result shows that the Beijing road network is a disassortative network and has14communities. User equilibrium assignment results show that some of the major road sections are prone to be congested. These sections are keys to impact the whole network property and enhance the capacity of these sections can effectively enhance the capacity of the whole network.
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