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In the21s1century, benefited from the development of Internet and free trade, companies from all over the world can compete without the limitation of locations. As a key link of business operations, marketing is also faced with new opportunities and challenges. Market competition under new situations brings great pressures for the marketing decision of companies. Meanwhile, it urges companies to pursuit product differentiation. This paper studies the marketing decision problems under competitive environment. In this regard, this paper is mainly about the following matters:
     (1) Discussion about the basic theories of marketing mix decision. Analyzes and compares the main trend of marketing mix. Expounds the decision principles and methods of price and non-price marketing factors. Gives a brief introduction of basic concepts and principles of game theory.
     (2) Price optimization decision and price competitive decision. Market demand-oriented, the paper builds a market response model of price, and studies the principle and method of price optimization decisiqn. Gives a quantitative analysis on the competitive environment, and based on market attraction model, with the tool of game theory, builds price competitive decision model,and gives the solution accordingly. By means of numerical simulation example, studies the features of price competition results.
     (3) Quality optimization decision and quality competitive decision. Builds an economic benefit model of quality, studies the priciple and method of quality optimization decision, and takes into account the carryover effect of quality investment. Combines utility share rule with game theory, and builds quality competitive decision model. By means of numerical simulation example, studies the features of quality competition results.
     (4) Advertising optimization decision and advertising competitive decision. Builds the market response model of advertising, studies the principle and method of advertising optimization decision, and takes into account,advertising's carryover effect. Based on market attraction model, builds an advertising competitive decision model. By means of numerical simulation example, analyzes the advertising competition results.
     (5) Marketing mix optimization decision and marketing mix competitive decision. Gives a deep analysis on the marketing mix decision pinciples and combined effects of price and non-price factors. Builds multi-factor combined competitive decision models of price-quality, price-advertising, and advertising-quality respectively. By means of numerical simulation example, obtains marketing mixn competitive decision results, and analyzes the mutual effects of marketing factors.
     (6) Research and development of the marketing mix decision support system. Based on the above-mentioned researches on marketing principles and methods, combined with modern information technology, analyzes, designs and implements the marketing mix decision support system, which includes marketing optimization decision models and marketing competitive decision models. Therefore, the models and solutions in this paper would be well tested in practice, and the system promotes the practical value and significance of this paper.
     Generally there are four main innovative points in this paper:
     Firstly, this paper combines marketing decisions with market demand forecasting results, and builds closer relationship between marketing decision models and market demand. Most of previous marketing models presume that the market demand keeps constant, and isolates from the market changes. The marketing models in this paper are on the basis of market forecast simulation, which fully takes into account of the market changes and is more realistic.
     Secondly, market demand-oriented, this paper models the market responses of marketing factors. Based on that, combines marketing attraction models with game theory, builds the marketing competitive decision models, and gives the corresponding solutions. The marketing decision principles and methods under competitive environment are deeply analyzed.
     Thirdly, based on single marketing factor's decision principle and model, analyzes the interaction and combined effect of marketing multi-factors, and builds the marketing mix competitive decision models. Connects and integrates price, quality and advertising marketing factors, and analyzes their interactions, which is a distinguished feature.
     Finally, implements the marketing mix decision support system. We have developed user-friendly marketing mix decision support system, so as to test the validity of the marketing optimization decision model and marketing competitive decision models in this paper. The system would give strong support for marketing activities in industry, and that's a good application of the marketing theories.
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