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随着对大口径成像望远镜的需求日益紧迫,望远镜的口径增大和非球面光学元件的增加都给光学加工和检测带来很大的挑战。如何在加工过程中在位及时检测出高阶面形误差进行修正,如何在光学系统装调过程中在线检测像差变化,以便及时调整主镜支撑方案和光学系统装调方案;如何在光学系统使用过程中动态检测出系统波像差,以进行故障诊断和图像清晰化。基于焦面图像信息的波前解算系统也称为焦平面波前探测器(WS, Wavefront Sensing),有着光瞳面WS一些不可替代的优势,它通过采集多帧给定离焦像差的短曝光图像,解算得到光学系统的波前相位信息,并可以利用Zernike多项式拟合得到各单项像差。常见的相位解算技术主要有相位恢复法(PR, Phase Retrieval)和相位差异法(PD, Phase Diversity)。焦平面WS可用于光学系统的在位检测,即不用改变光学系统,直接测量出整个系统的传递函数和波前畸变,在轨定量检测,拼接镜的共焦共像检测等领域。
Along with the increasingly urgent demand for large diameter imagingtelescope, increasing the caliber of the telescope and the increase of the asphericoptical element has posed great challenges to the optical processing and testing.How to timely detect the high-order surface shape error correction, how in theprocess of the optical system with adjustable on-line detection aberration changes, inorder to adjust the primary mirror supporting plan, and the optical system withadjustable how dynamic detecting system in the process of optical system usingwave aberration to carry out fault diagnosis and the image clearer. The system ofwavefront solutions based on the focal plane image information, also known as thefocal plane detector, has some irreplaceable advantages comparing to a pupil surfacewave detector, by gathering multi-frames from a given focal aberration of shortexposure images and obtain phase information wavefront of the optical system bycalculating the wavefront, and can use Zernike polynomial fitting of each individualaberrations. The realizations of phase solver technology mainly include PhaseRetrieval (PR) and Phase Diversity (PD). Focal plane wave detector can be used inthe optical system in-line detection, namely directly measure of the transfer functionof the system of a whole system and wavefront aberration without changing theoptical system; On-orbit quantitative detection; Mosaic mirror image of confocal detection field, etc.
     Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign research progress, we have donea large number of simulation and the actual optical experimental work, in this paper,and have carried on the deep discussion and analysis of the principle of the PR andPD technology, performance and practical application, and on the a large number ofverification in optical detection, specific work is as follows:
     1. Through theoretical analysis and simulation, this paper analyzes the variousalgorithms of PR, establish and perfect the PR mathematical model. Phase retrievaltechnique is mainly studied the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm and gradient searchalgorithm, when any amount of input images and their defocus amount as input, thispaper educes the objective function of the gradient search algorithm respectively ongeneralized pupil, wavefront and Nick coefficient of partial derivative, and revealsthe relationship between the GS algorithm with gradient search algorithm. For singleand multiple images are used as input, designs simulation experiment with GSalgorithm and gradient search algorithm, the experimental results show that for asingle image as input, the gradient search algorithm is superior to GS algorithm, formulti-frame different defocus amount of images as input, GS algorithms andgradient search algorithm can be a good solution calculated wavefront, but thegradient search algorithm convergence speed significantly better than the GSalgorithm.
     2. The objective function of the phase difference algorithm was modified tosolve the adaptive optics system of non-common path aberration detection ofinaccurate defocus and use the multi-channel constrained wavefront solution set andthe aberration detection with deformable mirror adjustment each iterationconvergence ultimately. The betterment method has higher accuracy in solving thewavefront theoretically.
     3. Build an experimental based on the PRWS method comparing with ZYGOinterferometer. This paper utilizes liquid crystal space light modulator (LC-SLM) toproduce single aberration and random aberration, and validates the ability of PRWS measurement for any aberrations. Experimental results demonstrate that agreementis obtained among the errors distribution, PV value and RMS value of ZYGOinterferometer. The measurement precision of wavefront is3/1000wavelength RMS.Therefore, the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method can be confirmed.
     4. In order to verify the performance of phase retrieval wavefront sensingdemonstration system and the phase difference wavefront detector demonstrationsystem by using its own light source to complete the wavefront detection taskindependently. This paper sets up two detection mirror surface shape of experimentplatforms with the method of PRWS and PDWS, and compares both PRWSmeasurement results and PDWS measurement results with ZYGO interferometermeasurement results, experimental results demonstrate that good agreement isobtained among the errors distribution, PV value and RMS value of ZYGOinterferometer, so as to realize the estimation of large mirror aberration, whichvalidates the accuracy of PRWS and PDWS. PRWS technology and PDWStechnology can effectively estimate the aberration of spherical mirror.
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