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21世纪B. Kumaravadivelu的“后方法教学法”理论倡导教师才是教学理论的创建者,教师在教学中应根据实际情况发现适合其特定情境的方法。多年来,中国英语教师为提高教学质量,不断尝试各种新的教学思想和方法。然而,一些突出的问题仍未得到彻底解决,如中国学生在英语应用方面的“高分低能”表现及课堂中的被动性表现,等。这说明中国英语教学需要更加微观化的研究和更加具有可操作性的教学模式。在以往大学英语教学的改革中,教师们在中国现实下遇到了众多问题,英语课堂沟通式互动教学的开展阻力重重,就是其中之一。面对问题,本文认为我们不能空吁且固执前行,而要顺应进而改变。
     课堂沟通式互动亦即M.H. Long提出的人际交往中具有意义的互动。它是交际双方为达到彼此理解通过调整语言形式、会话结构、信息内容而进行的交流。在课堂中开展师生间、生生间的具有意义的互动对语言学习具有非凡意义。从Krashen的“可理解性输入”到Swain的“可理解性输出”,再到Vygotsky的“最近发展区”都证明了课堂沟通式互动能够促进学生语言习得。基于此,在大量以“二语”习得为研究视角的现状下,本文从课堂组织实施的角度,以J. Snyder, F. Bolin, and K. Zumwalt的课程实施理论为支撑,从“忠诚”(fidelity)、“相互顺应”(mutual adaptation)和“创生”(enactment)三个方面探讨中国英语教师沟通式互动实施的现状、顺应过程和可行性的创生模式。为此提出了三个研究问题:1)英语教师是如何认知并开展课堂沟通式互动的?2)哪些因素促进或阻碍英语课堂沟通式互动的开展?3)中国国情下英语教师应如何顺应现实实施沟通式互动?
     基于D. Allright的“课堂生命质量”观点(学生在课堂中的生命体现不仅仅是指其肉体的存在,还体现在其思想、感情和知识等应受到的尊重)以及中国国情及传统文化,本文认为应当从英语课堂师生互动的质量和微观策略方面对现有英语课堂教学模式进行改良。为此,本文引入了质量管控科学中的“戴明环”理论(即PDCA Circle:plan, do, check andact),以互动课堂的授课阶段、学习任务的组织策略以及开展时机等为依托,提出了尝试性的改良教学模式,并辅以了心理学、管理学和教学法等理据说明,以期提高师生课堂互动的有效性,促进学生语用能力的提高。最后,本研究运用改良的新模式在小范围内做了为期10周的教学实验。实验后的学生问卷调查显示该教学模式在一定程度上对英语课堂教学现状的改善具有借鉴意义。
In the twenty-first century, B. Kumaravadivelu put forward the postmethodpedagogy advocating that teachers themselves are the founders of teaching theory.They should try to discover the method that is best suited to their specific contexts.Chinese teachers of English have been actively involved in searching for the bestmethods, constantly trying new teaching ideas and techniques in order to improve thequality of English teaching in China. However, problems such as students’paradoxically high scores on English tests but poor performance in language use andtheir learning passivity have not yet been solved thoroughly. This means that the studyof English teaching needs to be explored at the micro-level and in practical operationsin order to find the most suitable and operable model for Chinese EFL classes. Overmany years of China’s college English teaching reform, teachers have encounteredmany realistic problems including heavy resistance to the implementation ofnegotiated interaction. To confront this reality, we should not merely speak emptywords and stubbornly persist with the status quo, but instead adapt to the reality andmake changes.
     Negotiated interaction is the meaningful interaction between the speaker and thelistener according to M.H. Long. It is communication exchanges between both sideswho try to make each other understood through the adjustment of the language form,conversational structure, and content. Negotiated interaction between teachers andstudents and/or between student peers is significant in language learning. Krashen’stheory of Comprehensible Input, Swain’s theory of Comprehensible Output andVygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development all have proved that classroom interactioncan promote learners’ language acquisition. With the curriculum implementationtheory (fidelity, mutual adaptation and enactment) proposed by J. Snyder, F. Bolin,and K. Zumwalt as a framework, this dissertation examines the status, the adaptationprocess and a possible new model concerning negotiated interaction in collegeEnglish classes of China from the perspective of implementation with qualified classroom organization, a unique approach when compared with other studies whichare from the perspective of the second language acquisition (SLA). Hence, thefollowing research questions are addressed:
     a. What are Chinese teachers’ perceptions of negotiated interaction and theirpractices in classes?
     b. What factors facilitate or inhibit the classroom implementation of negotiatedinteraction?
     c. How do teachers adapt to negotiated interaction in EFL classes in China?
     This study uses quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Multipleinstruments (questionnaires, classroom observations, and interviews) were used tocollect data at Zhengzhou University, Sias International College and the Central ChinaInstitute of Technology.656students and40teachers from the three universities wereinvolved in the study. The collected data shows that the objective problems such aslarge class size, students’learning passivity, time constraints and examination pressurebrought difficulties to Chinese teachers of English in developing classroominteraction. Additionally, students themselves are too passive in “preferring to becalled on” and “teacher control tendency” due to the influence of Chinese traditionalculture, like “respecting teacher education” and “face matter.” All these facts make theteachers of English feel helpless and most of them who have tried interactive teachingend up resorting to traditional teaching methods. At present, the grammar teachingand teacher talk dominance are still the main practice in English classes in China.Based on D. Allwright’s idea--“the quality of classroom life”(i.e. the life ofstudents in the classroom is not only physical but also includes their respectablethoughts, feelings and knowledge) and based on Chinese traditional culture, this studysuggests that the existing teaching model be improved in interaction quality and themicroscopic strategy. A refined classroom model for better negotiated interaction inChinese-specific context is developed by introducing the famous “Deming Circle”(i.e.the PDCA circle: Plan, Do, Check and Act) into it. With the aid of rationales frompsychology, management, etc, the refined model displays the quality control on theteaching phases, the matched strategies, types of learning tasks, time allocation andteacher’s roles.
     Finally, a small scale teaching experiment lasting10weeks was conducted. The results of a questionnaire survey to students show that the teaching with the refinedteaching model is informative, instructive and practical in Chinese EFL classes.
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