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     1.采用酸性乙醇对蓝莓中花色苷进行提取,在单因素的基础上通过响应面试验方法确定蓝莓花色苷提取所需最佳提取条件为:提取液乙醇体积分数60.65%,料液比1g:20.65ml,提取时间122.53mm, pH3.0,提取温度50℃,提取两次。在此条件下进行提取,确定蓝莓冻果花色苷含量约为327.35mg/100g。
Blueberry belongs to Ericaceae Vaccinium.spp and is abundant over our country. It has been studied that there are abundant anthocyanins in blueberries and many physiological and officinal functions in blueberries such as eliminating eye fatigue, protecting the eyesight, antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer et al. In this paper, blueberry anthocyanins have been analyzed by pH differential method; the extraction technology of blueberry anthocyanins is optimized by response surface method with acidic alcohol as extractant.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     1. The blueberry pigments is extracted by acidic alcohol. On the basis of single factor test, the optimization of various factors and their interaction effect is analyzed by response surface method. The best extraction parameters are:ethanol content is60.65%, material-solvent ratio is1g:20.65ml, extraction time is122.53min, the value of PH is3.0extraction temperature is50℃, extraction twice. Under this extraction condition, the determination of the blueberry anthocyanins is327.35mg/100g.
     2. The heart protective effects of the blueberry anthocyanins (20mg/kg and80mg/kg, ig) are investigated in CP-induced heart injury model (100mg/kg, ip). The protective role of the blueberry anthocyanins is demonstrated by the tests from two aspects—serum myocardial enzyme spectrum and histopathologic study. The blueberry anthocyanins show protective effect on heart damage. The mechanism is investigated by the change of SOD activity of antioxidant enzymes and MDA level, and the apoptosis protein of Bax and Bcl-2with westernblot, the results showed blueberry anthocyanins increased the SOD activities and lower MDA level, and decreased the proapoptosis protein Bax expression and increased the antiapotosis protein Bcl-2expression, the results indicate that antioxidative stress and antiapoptosis are involved in the protective function of blueberry anthocyanins.
     3. Blueberry anthocyanins have been studied on the lung injury caused by cyclophosphamide. The rats are the same with described in heart protective test. The experimental results show that:blueberry anthocyanins improve the pathological changes of lung injury caused by CP, reduce inflammatory exudation and the expression of proinflammatory factors, increase the activity of the suppresve inflammatory factors, and reduce the peroxidation damage at the same time, indicating that anthocyanins of blueberry possess certain protective effect in lung injury caused by CP.
     4. Blueberry anthocyanins have been studied in liver injury caused by cyclophosphamide. The protective effects of the test are from two aspects called serum index and histopathological study. The results show that the CP treated rat liver with visible diffuse vacuoles degeneration of hepatic cells around the central vein, serum test results show that ATL AST and ALP values are significantly increased in CP treated rats, which are consistent with other researchers' results. Pathological changes of serum enzymology indexes are improved in blueberry anthocyanins groups, which demonstrat the blueberry anthocyanins have the outstanding clear protective role in liver injury.
     5. The influence of high and low dose group of blueberry anthocyanins on learning ability has been investigated in mice, the results show that two groups can significantly improve the performances of aging mice in Morris water maze experiment, and extends the diving platform incubation period, besides, it can decrease the data error, and improve the learning ability of rat in Y maze experiment and also; can shorten latent period of rats in the light-dark transition test. Blueberry anthocyanins can increase the aging mice swimming time. The results indicate that the blueberry anthocyanins can effectively improve the aging mice and rats learning and memory impairment, and increase the muscle function.
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