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     空白组Gl u阳性细胞数量最少,平均灰度值最高;GABA阳性细胞数量最多,平均灰度值最低。与之相比模型组Glu阳性细胞数明显增多,平均灰度值明显降低:GABA阳性细胞数明显减少,平均灰度值明显升高(均为P<0.01)。与模型组相比,除低剂量10天组外,补脑止痫散各组的Glu阳性细胞数均明显减少,平均灰度值均明显升高;GABA阳性细胞数均明显增多,平均灰度值均明显降低(P<0.05或P<0.01)。无论是Glu和GABA的阳性细胞数还是二者的平均灰度值,疗程相同的低、中剂量组之间均有显著或极显著差异,而中、高剂量组之间均无显著差异;剂量相同的10天组和21天组之间均无显著差异。
Obj ect i ve:
     We induced kindling epileptic rats using pentylenetetrazole, observed their changes in general state, behavioristics and hippocampal pathology, examined the changes in the expression of c-fos, PKCa and in the contents of Glutamate(Glu), GABA in the hippocampus of them before and after they were treated with the Bunaozhixian powder. According to the experimental results, we explored the antiepileptic mechanism of this Chinese medicinal formule, so as to provide reference basis for its clinical use.
     10rats were randomly chosen from100adult Wistar ones to make up the blank group, and the remaining90were used to induce epileptic models by PTZ. The kindled rats were randomly divided into7groups:the model group, the low, medium and high Bunaozhixian powder groups treated for10days and the low, medium and high Bunaozhixian powder groups treated for21days. All the rats in the Bunaozhixian powder groups were intragastrically treated with Bunaozhixian powder with certain dosages. We observed the general state of the rats in certain groups and weighed them on the day before the treatment was given and the10th,21st day of the treatment. Meanwhile, their incubation period and seizure grade were also recorded. The hippocampal slices were stained using HE, in this way the hippocampal pathological changes were observed. Meanwhile, we examined the positive cell numbers of c-fos, PKCa, Glu and GABA, and calculated the average grey values by immunohistochemistry. At the same time, we calculated the ratios of the positive cell number of Glu and GABA, as well as the ratios of the grey values of them. The experimental data were input into SPSS17.0for statistical process, P<0.05was considered to be significant difference and P<0.01to be very significant difference.
     70rats were successfully kindled. During the treatment course.1rat in the10-day low dosage group died, as well as in the10-day medium group.2rats in the model group died, as well as in the21-day medium and high dosage group.
     1The changes in general state and weight
     The rats'general state was apparently worse in the model group than in the blank. Compared with the model, it improved obviously in the Bunaozhixian powder groups, and the effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more obvious than the low, as well as the21-day groups are than the10-day ones.
     On the day before the treatment was given, compared with the blank group, weight of the rats in the model and all the Bunaozhixian powder groups lightened very significantly (P<0.01). On the10th day of the treatment course, compared with the model group, it increased very significantly in the medium and high dosage group (P<0.01), but it had no significant change in the low (P>0.05). On the21st day. weight of the rats in all the Bunaozhixian powder groups increased very significantly (P<0.01).
     2The changes in behavioristics
     Rats in the blank group had no seizures. On the day before the treatment was given, all the rats' seizures in the model and the Bunaozhixian powder groups reached4grade or higher according to the Racine scale. On the10th day, compared with the model group, the incubation period of the low dosage group has no significant change (P>0.05). but its seizure grade decreased significantly (P<0.05). The incubation period of the medium and high lengthened and their seizure grade decreased, the differences were both very significant (P<0.01). On the21st day. the incubation period of all the Bunaozhixian powder groups lengthened and their seizure grade decreased, the differences were significant or very significant (P<0.05or P<0.01).
     3Hippocampal pathological changes
     Microscopically, in the blank group, the number and structure of neurons were normal in the hippocampus. However, the situation in the model group was quite different:the number of neurons decreased obviously, their arrangement was in disorder. The neurons swelled and their cytoplasms were stained darker than normal, their nucleuses were pyknotic and cataclastic. Compared with the model group, the situation in the Bunaozhixian powder groups improved apparently, the effect of the medium and high dosage groups are more obvious than the low, and the21-day groups are more obvious than the10-day ones.
     4The expression of c-fos
     In the blank group, only a few c-fos positive cells could be found, and the average grey value was highest. Compared with that, in the model group, positive cells increased and the grey value lowered, the differences were both very significant (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, positive cells decreased and the grey value rose in the Bunaozhixian powder groups except the10-day low dosage group, the differences were significant or very significant (P<0.05or P<0.01).
     Comparisons among the groups treated with the same course, either in positive cell number or in average grey value, there were very significant differences among the low, the medium and the high dosage groups. Comparisons between the groups treated with the same dosage, there was no significant difference in positive cell number between the10-day groups and the21-day ones, but there were significant differences in average grey value between them.
     5The expression of PKCa
     There were only a few PKCa positive cells in the blank group. Compared with that, it increased very significantly in the model group (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, it decreased in the Bunaozhixian powder groups, the differences were significant or very significant (P<0.05or P<0.01). Comparisons among the10-day groups, the differences were all significant or very significant. Comparisons among the21-day groups, there was very significant difference between the low and the medium dosage group. but the difference between the medium and the high was not significant.
     The average grey value was highest in the blank group, compared with that, in the model group, it lowered very significantly (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, it rose in the Bunaozhixian powder groups except the10-day low dosage one, the differences were significant or very significant (P<0.05or P<0.01). Comparisons among the groups treated with the same course, there were significant differences between the low and medium dosage groups, but there was no significant difference between the medium and the high.
     Comparisons between the groups treated with the same dosage, either in positive cell number or in average grey value, there was no significant difference between the10-day groups and the21-day ones.6The contents of Glu and GABA
     In the blank group, there were only a few Glu positive cells, and the average grey value was highest; while the number of GABA positive cells was largest and the average grey value was lowest. Compared with that, in the model group, the positive cells of Glu increased and the grey value lowered; the number of GABA positive cells decreased and the grey value rose, the differences were all very significant (P<0.01). Compared with the model group, the positive cells of Glu decreased and the grey value rose, the positive cells of GABA increased and the grey value lowered in the Bunaozhixian powder groups, except the10-day low dosage one; the differences were significant or very significant (P<0.05or P<0.01).
     Comparisons among the groups treated with the same course, either in positive cell number or in average grey value, the differences between the low and the medium dosage groups were significant or very significant, but the differences between the medium and the high were not significant. Comparisons between the groups treated with the same dosage, either in positive cell number or in average grey value, there was no significant difference between the10-day groups and the21-day ones.
     According to the mean ranks, the ratio of Glu and GABA positive cell numbers was smallest in the blank group and was largest in the model. Compared with the model group, it decreased in all the Bunaozhixian powder groups. It was smaller in the high dosage groups than in the medium, as well as in the medium was than in the low; meanwhile, it was smaller in the21-day groups than in the10-day ones. The variation tendency of the ratio of the average grey value among the the Bunaozhixian powder groups was just the opposite.
     1The Bunaozhixian powder can obviously improve the general state of epileptic rats and remedy their trend of losing weight. The effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more significant than the low, as well as the21-day groups are than the10-day ones.
     2It can obviously lengthen the seizure incubation period of epileptic rats and decrease their seizure grade. The effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more significant than the low. and the21-day groups are a little more significant than the10-day ones.
     3It can obviously alleviate the neuronal injuries in epileptic rats' hippocampus. The effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more significant than the low, as well as the21-day groups are than the10-day ones.
     4It can obviously inhibit the expression of c-fos in hippocampus of epileptic rats. The effects of the high dosage groups are more significant than the medium, as well as the medium are than the low. The21-day groups are a little more significant than the10-day ones.
     5It can obviously inhibit the expression of PKCa in hippocampus of epileptic rats. The effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more significant than the low. but there is no obvious difference between the21-day groups and the10-day ones.
     6It can reduce the contents of Glu and increase that of GABA in hippocampus of epileptic rats, so as to remedy their unbalance conditions. The effects of the medium and high dosage groups are more significant than the low; the21-day groups are a little more significant than the10-day ones.
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