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As change becomes the theme of the current era, strategic change turns into the emphases of strategy management. Strategic paradigm has been translated from linearity into non-linear, which changed the request to enterprise strategic change. Toward Small & Medium Sized enterprise, which occupied 99% the economic entity in our country, the strategic change can't be neglected. The transformation of economic modality impacts on Small & Medium Sized enterprise more profundity than large-sized enterprise. Therefore, that is very necessary to research the strategic change pattern based on non-linear strategic paradigm of Small & Medium Sized enterprise.
    The paper adopted criterion-researching way generally. In some individual chapters, the demonstration-researching way was used. The configuration was arranged by the request of criterion-researching way. That is the step: ask question, analyze question and answer the question. First, it brings forward the scarcity in the past and the purpose of this paper, which was based on summing up and assimilating the forefathers' research results (Chapter1).
    Then, the paper defined the strategic change based on the forefathers' research results, it analyzed its cause. process and pattern too, consequently the concept frame of enterprise strategic change was engendered(Chapter 2). In succession, the paper analyzed the action that strategic paradigm impact on strategic change and expatiated upon the evolvement of it. Through comparing the linearity paradigm with non-linear paradigm and analyzed the infection that non-linear paradigm infected to strategic change, it concluded that motile strategic change pattern was the pattern inclining succeeds (Chapter 3).
    Finally, according as the research upward, the paper analyzed the necessary that the Small & Medium Sized enterprise implement motile strategic change pattern , validated the conclusion in chapter 3 and elicited the particular motile strategic change pattern of it (Chapter 4). To realize the motile strategic change pattern, it afforded way to innovate business-pattern, the ways to study strategy variable, and the ways to cultivate the interior mechanism that can create the ability to strategic change. So a suit of theory and operation instrument was offered (Chapter 5). In the end it summarized the whole paper and proposed the future research orientation. (Conclusion) .
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