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背景:宫颈锥切(宫颈冷刀锥切术、宫颈环形电切术、激光电切术)是治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变的主要方法,随着宫颈上皮内瘤变(cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN)病例的年轻化和有生育要求的患者的增多,治疗后对生育及妊娠结局的影响受到患者及临床医生的关注。
     (3)病例组为宫颈上皮内瘤变患者行宫颈环形电切术(loop electrosurgical excisional procedure, LEEP)、宫颈冷刀锥切(cold knife conisation,CKC)、激光电切术(laser conisation, LC)治疗后的妊娠情况;
     (2)胎儿方面:低体重儿(<2500 g),围产期死亡率,新生儿监护室入住情况.
     4.数据分析及统计学方法:由作者独立进行资料筛查及质量评估。采用由Cochrane Collaboration提供的RevMan 4.2统计软件进行Meta分析。对原始数据计算加权后合并优势比(RR)以及它们的95%可信区间(95%CI)进行同质性检验,X2检验P>0.05,则具有同质性,选择固定效应模式经行计算分析,若P<0.05,则各研究组为异质性,用随机效应模型进行分析。
Background:With the growth numbers of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN), conisation methods such as cold knife conisation(CKC)、loop electrosurgical excisional procedure(LEEP) and laser conisation(LC) are commonly used especially in young women because of the requirment of pregnancy in the further. The effect of these procedures on subsequent fertility and pregnancy outcomes has been paid high attention to medical practitioners。
     Objective:To investigated the effect of these procedures on subsequent fertility and pregnancy outcomes.
     Materials and Methods:
     1. Search strategy:We searched electronic databases PUBMED、MEDLINE、ELSEVIER、China National Knowledge infrastructure、CBMdise and reference lists of articles and Wan fang data base and targeted reports published between 1979 and 2009.
     2. Selection criteria:
     Inclusion criteria:
     (1) Studies published of case-contorl trials with full text.
     (2) The test had been provided the integrated original data.
     (3) The case group with obstetric outcomes with a previous conisation intervention(cold knife conisation, LEEP, laser conisation) on the cervix.
     (4) The contorl group was match for at least two factors (age, parity) without a conisation methods.
     Exclusion criteria:
     (1) Studies without an untreated control group.
     (2) Studies including different treatment methods were also excluded, if the outcomes for each treatment method were not reported separately.
     (3) Studies of treatment undertaken during pregnancy.
     (4) Studies undertaken cervical cerclage during pregnancy after conservative methods.
     3. Types of outcome measures:The studied were related both to fertility and pregnancy outcome.
     Fertility outcomes:included conception rates, number of pregnancies, and time to conception.
     The pregnancy outcomes:
     (1) Maternal outcomes:preterm delivery (<37 weeks), caesarean section rates, precipitous labour (<2 h), and preterm spontaneous rupture of membranes (pPROM).
     (2) Fetal outcomes:low birthweight (<2500 g), perinatal mortality, and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission.
     4. Data collection and analysis:
     Data extraction and quality assessment was Performed independently by the author. We analysed data by using a random-effects model with Revman 4.2 software. Heterogeneity among studies were calculated after weight Risk ratio(OR) and 95% CIs. If X2 test p value more than 0.05,that is usually taken to indicate asignificant difference for every outcome was assessed by use of a Cochrane Q test.
     Main Results:
     1. Twenty case-contorl trials were identified and included in this review.
     2. The characteristics of inclusive studies:there are 2810 patients and 3346 contorls in all these 20 trials which reported the pregnancy outcome at the end of follow-up.
     Conclusion:LEEP and LC was associated with a significant increase in the risk of preterm delivery, low birthweight, premature rupture of the membranes and perinatal mortality, but either of them was not significantly associated with caesarean section; CKC was significantly associated with preterm delivery、caesarean section; caesarean section should be considered as high-risk in subsequent pregnancies and should be given a follow-up; The risk ratio of outcomes of LEEP much lower than CKC and LC, LEEP is much safer than CKC and LC as a method of CIN.
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