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On the basis of the investigation and acquisition of ordinary commercial housing prices in Zhengzhou and related geographical factors, the thesis makes the exploratory spatial data analysis on commercial housing price; studies the spatial-temporal distribution of commercial housing prices, and makes the macro analysis and study of influencing factors on the housing prices in Zhengzhou, adopting the method which combines the Literature study, theoretical analysis and empirical research, using ArcGIS software-based platform, combined with statistical analysis software, relational database software, GeoDA, SPSS software. The thesis studies the commercial residential real estate prices, establishes the hedonic price mode on the external factors affecting real estate prices, and further quantifies the extent of the impact of external factors. Meanwhile, as the commercial housing price accords with the relevant characteristics of the econometric time series, the thesis establishes the time series analysis and a prediction model of the commodity houses price in Zhengzhou, verifies the collected price data, and then proves the correctness of the prediction model through analysis.
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