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General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out clearly at the Seventeenth Congress in "enhancing independent innovation capability and building an innovative country" is "the core of national development strategy and the key to enhancing overall national strength." Technological innovation is to promote the fundamental force of rapid economic development, the premise of sci-technology productivity factors from the potential into practical productive forces is sci-technology is combined with practical production and creates the value, while technology Transfer is the intermediate links to realize the two combination, technology transfer mode choice is the first step for research cooperation.Therefoer, actively seeking suitable for university and corporate research cooperation model, is the only way to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and high-tech industrialization, science and technology achievements in China and promote the use of great significance.
     Analysis of the literature by many30years of reform and opening up, The serious shortage of knowledge diffusion and application of capacity in China, Conversion rate of sci-tech achievements is only20-30%, far below the level of developed countries60-80%. Western developed countries through the relevant literature on technology transfer mode of inquiry and compatative analysis the the low rate of sci-tech achievements into the reasons:First, lack of effective organizational model to promote through cooperation, there are various deficiencies existed among the current government, universities, research institutions and enterprises as the main body to promote scientific and technological achievements into the organization; the second is the lack of an effective mode of promoting the scientific and technological achievements into the market, the current model has a lack of capacity to the suitablity of the market, not enough of technology maturity, the more risk factors and so, and leading to the less success rate of the industrialization of technological achievements.
     Therefore, as the background of economic globalization and knowledge economy, the use of Marxist economics, economics and management of technological innovation on the basic theory and other disciplines, mainly in the literature survey, historical research, comparative analysis, logical reasoning and case analysis and other methods, this article has conducted in depth exploration and analysed carefully on the mode of technology transfer in China, proposed the establishment of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, research cooperation as a new form of organization, summed up technology transfer ITRI innovation model—collection of model and as a research paper ideas and frameworks. Around this problem, the paper carried out the following main aspects of work (which contains the author's innovations):
     First, on the model of technology transfer services. Through the mode of technology transfer services at home and abroad in general and summary of the characteristics, Pointed out that the majority of our development of technology transfer agencies are still at the initial stage, still in time, can we truly move toward the market.
     Second, on research and analysis of the Industrial Technology Research Institute. Pointed out that the institute is a new organization of the scientific and technological achievements into the activities. It has played a positive role in implementing the current technology transfer, promoting the upgrading of the regional industrial structure, and the further development of regional economy;
     Third, An innovation model analysis of Technology Transfer on the ITRI. This paper summarizes a new technology transfer model about the ITRI—aggregation model,and its definition of the concept, characteristics and theoretical basis of induction, but also constructed the theoretical model. At present, the academic institute of technology transfer model for the study is not the system, this study can be regarded as a breakthrough in the research;
     Fourth, the main technology transfer models in China are compared. After compared between the collection of models in Industrial Technology Research Institute with several other major domestic technology transfer modes (government-led, university-led research institutes, business oriented, technology-led intermediaries and complex patterns, etc.) especally the characteristics of each model, The paper pointed out the advantages of aggregation model is insufficient to overcome the shortcomings of previous models, especially for technology integration and the further optimization of production and research cooperation model;
     Fifth, to build a collection of model implementation of technology transfer model. Through the Research Institute of Tsinghua University, Shengzhan of Zhuhai Yuhua Polyester Co. case, Constructed in this study the implementation model of technology transfer collection model. Through the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, Zhuhai Yuhua Polyester Co., Ltd. on the case, the aggregate model proved effectively in achieving the institute as the main body, a combination of research, the establishment of scientific research with industry, to promote a virtuous circle of science and technology research the transformation system, so as to solve the hot and difficult issues among the current technology transformation process.
     Sixth, The paper proposed policy recommendations about how to implement the collection of models of technology transfer in the institute. Policies and institutional innovation is the necessary conditions and security in the technological progress and innovation institute. Relevant state departments, local governments and universities, etc. should establish a stable long-term supply mechanism in legal protection, policy support, funding, and human resources, and give it strong policy and institutional support.
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