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探地雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar,GPR)探测技术在地球物理探测和浅表层测绘等方面具有快速、无损、分辨率高等突出优势,已成为最具潜力的浅表层遥感新技术之一,国内外研究人员已对该技术进行了大量研究。但由于受数据获取、数据处理和可视化等关键技术的制约,目前国内探地雷达探测技术的实用化程度尚不尽人意。
     5.以地下管线的空间分布特征为基础,提出了一种用于综合管网地理信息系统的一体化三维数据模型;综合利用组件对象模型、GDAL(Geospatial DataAbstraction Library)等技术实现了管线要素的可视化建模与三维显示,提出了一种基于顶点混合技术的管线衔接处的平滑处理方法,改善了管线要素的三维可视化效果。
     6.将3S技术集成应用于GPR的数据获取、表达和管理中,设计了GPS支持的区域测量方法;设计实现了地下管线探测数据处理与可视化原型系统,利用意大利RIS型、加拿大Pulse EKKO型等多套不同频率的GPR设备进行了地下管线探测和数据处理,对原型系统的可靠性进行了验证。
There are some prominent merits of GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) technique ingeophysical exploration and shallow surface surveying, such as speediness, non-destructiveness,high accuracy, etc. Now, it has been one of the most potential techniques for shallow surfaceremote sensing. At present there are lots of studies on it worldwide, but the practicality of GPRin China is not satisfactory due to some key techniques including data acquisition, dataprocessing and visualization, etc.
     In combination with the Ministry of Science and Technology and Jiangsu Province’sinternational cooperative research projects, in this thesis deep research are put on some keyprocessing techniques, such as the scattering modeling, target recognition and extraction, areasurvey, visualization of underground pipeline, and integration with the3S technology, etc. Thestudy goal is to improve the measurement efficiency and accuracy and data management andexpression level. The main works and innovations of this thesis are listed as follows:
     1. A summarization of GPR technology was given on the current status. And an analysis wasmade on the remote sensing characteristics of the underground targets, and the basic principlesand processes of GPR detection and imaging. Based upon the analysis, the significance for GPRin the shallow surface surveying and mapping was clarified.
     2. Using2D and3D finite difference time domain method simulation of radar wave in thelossy medium propagation process based on classical Maxwell equations. And scatteringmodeling and imaging tests were carried out on typical underground targets. GPR detection incomplex terrain and high-loss media was molded and tested. The correctness of high loss modelscattering modeling and imaging was verified. A method GPR data processing methodconsidering topographic correction was proposed, based on the analysis of topographic factorsinfluence on radar profile image.
     3. The hyperbolic characteristics underground pipeline imaging model was established forB-scan radar data. It provides a theoretical foundation for the radar data interpretation andquantitative detection of pipeline. A hyperbolic underground pipeline extraction method based ongeneralized Hough transform was proposed. The mathematical model between the radarreflectivity wave and diameter of the pipeline was established. Two diameter measurementmethods based on hyperbolic fitting and interval of repeatedly reflected waves were verified.
     4. The complete regional measurement programs of GPR was designed based on quantitativeanalysis of the survey line spacing, survey point spacing in GPR area survey. Athree-dimensional reconstruction based on the sequence of the B-scan image was proposed for underground targets.
     5. A three-dimensional data integration model for the pipeline network was proposed basedon space distribution characteristics of the underground pipeline network. Visual modeling andthree-dimensional display of the various elements of the pipeline was achieved based on thecomprehensive utilization of the COM (component object model), the GDAL (Geospatial DataAbstraction Library) technology. A vertex blending based pipeline smoothing method wasproposed convergence to improve the three-dimensional visualization of the pipeline elements.
     6. The3S technology was integrated to GPR data acquisition, expression and management.The method of area survey with GPS supporting was designed. A prototype system ofunderground pipeline network detection data processing and visualization was designed andimplemented. Some sorts of GPR equipment for the underground pipeline detection and dataprocessing were used, such as, the Italy RIS-type, the Canada Pulse EKKO type, etc. Thereliability of the prototype system was validated by these measurements.
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