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Rent-seeking behaviors are widespread in safety supervision practice. Safetysupervision departments may seek rents using their power for their personal profitsthrough which safety quality and efficiency is affected, or they may bring positiveresult for rapid development of coal mines. Even reversed rent-seeking is produced ifcoal mines master rent-seeking information of supervision departments. However,under the intricate relationship, China’s coal economy still appears golden decadefrom2001to2011. The study tries to discuss the influence that rent-seeking produceson the productivity, and build theoretical and empirical model of rent-seekingcharacteristics in safety supervision system under the background of Chinesemanagement practice, so as to propose new suggestion for Chinese coal mine safetymanagement.
     The present rent-seeking theories are wide, so firstly on the basis of literatureanalysis, the paper expanded productivity characteristics of rent-seeking, summarizedthe viewpoints that accelerate productivity and decelerate productivity, and dividedproductivity into material productivity and mental productivity. Secondly according tobehavior choice of coalmine safety supervision stakeholders, the game model of thestakeholders in rent-seeking was built, in which the constraint condition of choiceswas obtained. Thirdly, we investigated and surveyed several typical and representativecoal mines, and testified the productivity conceptual model using the data with themethod of statistical analysis and structural equation model.
     Combined with survey data of coal mines, MATLAB was chosen as the softwareplatform, and the influence of rent-seeking in natural condition, supervision conditionand rent-seeking condition on productivity was simulated separately, in which theproductivity change trend was shown. The results indicate:
     (1) Supervision of high-level departments is efficient but supervision oflow-level departments is not. The productivity promotion of national and provincialadministration departments is higher that that of local administration departments.Besides, the level is higher, the influence of rent-seeking is more apparent, and thevibration is influenced by levels of administration departments.
     (2) Relationship between accident rate and rent-seeking intensity of differentsupervision departments is different in general situation. When the rent-seeking intensity of national and provincial administration is higher than intensity threshold,the occurrence rate increases with the increase of rent-seeking intensity; while for thelocal administration departments, the relationship of accident occurrence rate andrent-seeking intensity is U-shaped. Although rent-seeking of local administrationdepartments may promote productivity in the short term, it constrains the productionconsidered the three levels of departments in the long run.
     (3) In reality coal mines choosing reversed rent-seeking to local departments hascertain possibility. The probability of reversed rent-seeking to national and provincialdepartment is small, so productivity promotion of reversed rent-seeking is seldomshown; while productivity promotion of reversed rent-seeking can be shown whenlocal departments seek rents, which is one of approaches of promoting productivity inthe short term. But reversed rent-seeking is unhealthy and not worth recommending.
     (4) Overall, influence of rent-seeking on material productivity is similar, but itrestrains workers’ enthusiasm to enhance ability and motivation; while managementproductivity is hardly influenced by rent-seeking, showing dislocation phenomenon.
     (5) The risk and cost of rent-seeking behaviors mainly affects promotion orcontainment procedure of rent-seeking of local administration departments, while thatof national and provincial departments is not affected. In the situation that there’s nointerest relationship between administration departments and coalmine enterprises,restraining effect of rent-seeking of local administration departments is apparent.
     Finally some policy suggestions were put forward. The strategy model based onsupervision of three sources was proposed from the aspects of rent-seeking restraining,healthy productivity promotion and healthy relationship construction.
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