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The theoretical basis, clinical effects of Feixian Fang(FXF) treating idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and its effects on rats with pulmonary fibrosis induced by bleomycin(BLM) have been explored in this paper.
     The theoretical study has been carried out on the basis of literature review and the summary of advisor’s experience. It is considered that the etiological factors of pulmonary fibrosis are repeated suffering of exogenous pathogen, environmental pathogen, deficiency of lung and kidney. The basic pathological products of pulmonary fibrosis are blood stasis and phlegm turbid, the key point of pathopoiesis are that phlegm and stasis hide deeply and stagnated, the pulmonary collaterals are blocked. Repeated suffering of exogenous pathogen accelerates the development of pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary collaterals blocked by stasis and turbid aggravates qi deficiency, which results in yin deficiency easily. Pulmonary fibrosis is divided into chronic progression stage and acute exacerbation stage. The therapeutical principle and methods of pulmonary are as follows: invigorating lung and kidney, eliminating phlegm and promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction in chronic progression stage, clearing heat and nourishing yin in acute exacerbation stage. After long-term clinical practice, professor Jiang Liangduo composed FXF aiming at pathogenesis and satisfactory effects have been achieved.
     The clinical study included systematical clinical observation of FXF treating pulmonary fibrosis. According to modern medicine diagnostic criteria, the cases had been sifted. 40 case of middle stage and early stage patients with invasion within one year had been collected, who were divided into FXF group and control group with prednisone, the Chinese medicine group rats were administrated with FXF, while the hormone group rats were administrated with prednisone, 0.5-1mg/kg body weight. The therapeutic efficacy was observed and the adverse effects were monitored. Meanwhile, the levels of matrix met alloproteinase 1,2, tissue inhibtor of met alloproteinase (TIMP1,2) were tested, so as to evaluate the effects of Chinese medicine on ground substance of patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The results indicated that the Chinese medicine FXF was better than prednisone in aspects of clinical effects, improving symptoms, enhancing physiogical index(pulmonary function, arterial partial pressure of oxygen). The pulmonary reinfection frequency during the treatment period of FXF was lower than that of prednisone, the FXF could lower the levels of matrix met alloproteinase(MMP1,2,) and tissue inhibtor of met alloproteinase (TIMP1,2), which indicated that FXF probably exhibited its inhibiting pulmonary fibrosis effect through rebuilding pulmonary ground
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