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Compared to mechanics deployment antenna, the inflatable Antenna structure technology has many advantages of large caliber, light weight, low-power and is one of the best choice for large antenna. The shape precision of reflector on orbit is the most important target of the antenna, which affects the electric and work performance of the antenna.
     To enhance precision of inflatable reflector,two kinds of figuration theories were investigated and compared. The first one is titled as plan-parabolic reflector. The elastic theory analysis was utilized. Based on these works,the influence that temperature variety affects on the reflector precision on orbit was researched . The second one is titled as seaming parabolic reflector. For the deformed surface is required to be ideal parabolic, the theoretical studies, conformal analysis,cutting-pattern,membrane film seaming and then inflatable were described. The seaming parabolic reflector was chose in the following research.
     Precision analysis of inflatable reflector by ANSYS were conducted,and all important design parameters such as inflation pressure,membrane thickness, material characteristics and Pre-tension stress of cable were investigated. The gravity influence in the reflector was compared under three postures and chooses one of them as final experiment posture. Analysis model of 2m antenna in ANSYS was built to analyze natural frequencies and corresponding modes of the inflatable reflector structure. The analysis work has considered fluid-structure interaction between inflatable gas and the membrane material in reflector structure. This dissertation employed the 3D solid acoustic elements of standard FE software to simulate the inflation gas influence. The effects of all important design parameters on the modes were investigated.
     Based on ANSYS inflatable antenna structure for optimization analysis, confirmed in certain pressure under the action of choosing appropriate materials, membrane film thickness and focal diameter ratio, making the inflatable forming parabolic and ideal parabolic error of RMS absolute minimum value.
     As a result,it is significant for suited design between structure and electricity performance to research the surface accuracy optimization analysis of inflatable deployable antenna.
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