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The purpose of Human's settlement is to create comfortable living environment.only adapt to climate, the settlement is able to create the good living environment. The study of the settlement climate adaptability is focus on how to adapt the climateand how to create a good living environment. The climate adaptability study is one of the most important part of the residential environment research.
     After long-term natural selection and evolve, traditional settlements have accumulated a lot of experience methods and wisdom for climate.They are precious wealth left by our ancestors. Traditional settlements'climate adaptability study is one of the way which inherit the traditional wealth, develop and improve the living environment of contemporary settlementsalso.
     With the tide of global integration of economy and culture, the traditional settlements are rapidly disappearing.The precious experience, method and wisdom are rapidly disappearing too. So the research on traditional settlements'climate adaptability is urgently needed.
     On the other hand, in our country present, the new rural settlements lack attentions to climate adaptation and lack realization method and technical support either.Research achievements for guiding contemporary settlements practice are needed urgently.But China's traditional settlements climate adaptability studies have just launchedrecently, less related researchachievements.The theory and method system has not been set up. How to study and the research achievements how to use in contemporary settlements practice are still not solved.
     My research is in this context, hope through traditional settlements climate adaptability study insoutheast hubei, to development and improve the research method system.
     In this paper, by means of long-term on-the-spot investigation and observation, carried out the research on the relation between space of traditional settlements system and climate adaptability of Southeastern Hubei region, summarized the spatial characteristics of traditional settlement, as well as the climate adaptation strategies, and analyzed the relevance of the spatial features and climate adaptation, resulting in a unique climate adaptation method of traditional settlementin Southeastern Hubei region. On this basis, carried out the research of the green-regeneration of new settlements paradigm in Southeastern Hubei region, resulted a new settlements paradigm that can inherit the climate adaptability andintensive advantages of traditional settlement, and also can meet the functional demand of contemporary. The research results can be applied to the practice, and provides a useful method and train of thought for the construction of energy-saving, land-saving new rural settlement that can adapt to regional climate characteristics.
     At first, analyzed the climate characteristic of Southeastern Hubei region by the building climate analysis tools, and result the strategy of climate adaptation with Building bioclimatic design method. Found that the climate adaptability method of traditional settlement get through experience is consistent with the result by modern climate analysis tool.
     The next, analyzed the material and structural system of traditional dwellings, researched a typical traditional dwellings, found that the thermal parameters of envelope structure are not comply with the design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone. But in fact, the traditional dwellings achieve a good performance in summer with the space system that formed by settlement building groups. Then studied the space system of traditional settlements in Southeastern Hubei region. Through spatial analysis and statistics, result thesystem composition and space characteristic of traditionalsettlement space system and patio dwelling space system in Southeastern Hubei region.
     And then studied the physical environment of traditional settlement in Southeastern Hubei region, including the thermal environment andthe light environment.Analyzed the relationship of the physical environment and thecharacteristics of settlement space, Obtained the key characteristic of settlement space that adapt the local climate. Summarized the climate adaptability strategies and ways of realization of traditional settlement in Southeastern Hubei region.
     At last, researched the contemporary settlement with the methods and achievements.In the succession of climate adaptability and intensive advantages of traditional settlement, researched the green-regeneration of new settlements paradigm according to contemporary need, carried out a new settlement model that can meet the contemporarydemands, and practiced in a new rural design.
     The research results of this paper about spatial characteristic and climate adaptability of traditional settlement inSoutheastern Hubei regioncan improve the cognitive level of traditional settlement, promote the correct understanding and use of traditional settlement, also can be foundation for the inheritance and development of traditional settlement. The research results of contemporary new settlement paradigm can help to improve the living quality, reducing energy consumption, saving land for local residents, as well as can help achieve the sustainable development of rural area in Southeastern Hubei region, there's wide range of social value and significance.
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